Form St-2-Ts Instructions - Expanded Temporary Storage Multiple Site Form


General Information
Part 2, Municipalities with business district tax
Report the purchases that you made using your Expanded
Who must file this form?
Temporary Storage Permit number but that you subsequently
If you have an Expanded Temporary Storage Permit number
used in Illinois instead of shipping out-of-state for those sites for
under which you purchased property tax-free to temporarily store
which a business district sales tax has been imposed.
in Illinois and ship out-of-state for use or consumption but instead
You must print the location code, site name and address, and
used or consumed the property at an Illinois location, you must
applicable tax rate for each municipality that has imposed a
file this form.
business district tax and the location code and applicable tax rate
What if I need help or additional forms?
for each business district tax area for that municipality.
For help, call our Taxpayer Assistance Division at 1 800 732-8866 or
Print the portion of the municipality not included in the business
217 782-3336; call our TDD-telecommunications device for the deaf
district tax area first. The business district tax locations should
at 1 800 544-5304; or visit our website at
be printed below the municipal location. It is your responsibility
If you need a preprinted form, call our Central Registration
to determine the appropriate location listing and tax rate for each
Division at 217 785-2889 or 217 785-3707.
vendor. You may ask the vendor for this information.
Can I computer-generate my own form?
Note: You may obtain the information needed to complete the taxable
location code and tax rate by referring to our Tax Rate Database on our
You must have our approval before you can use any form
website at
other than the ones we send you. If you would like to
computer-generate your own form, send a sample form to:
Line-by-line Instructions
When completing this form, please round to the nearest dollar by
dropping amounts less than 50 cents and increasing amounts of
50 cents or more to the next higher dollar.
General Instructions
Line 4a General merchandise base
For each site from which you purchased general merchandise
using your Expanded Temporary Storage Permit number but
How do I report my purchases?
subsequently used some of those items in Illinois instead of
Form ST-2-TS has two Parts.
shipping them out-of-state, write the total amount of your taxable
Part 1 is used to report Illinois county locations and
Line 4b Multiply Line 4a by the tax rate.
municipalities that have not created a business district
development or redevelopment plan and imposed a local
Line 5a Food, drugs, and medical appliances base
business district sales tax.
For each site from which you purchased qualifying food, drugs, and
medical appliances using your Expanded Temporary Storage Permit
Part 2 is used to report the municipalities that have created
number but subsequently used some of those items in Illinois
a business district development or redevelopment plan and
instead of shipping them out-of-state, write the total amount of
imposed a local business district sales tax. Each business
your taxable purchases.
district location for that municipality is reported separately.
Line 5b Multiply Line 5a by the tax rate.
Part 1, County locations and municipal
locations (no business district tax)
Line 8a Use this line only if the location's tax rate has changed
Report the purchases that you made using your Expanded
since you made the purchase.
Temporary Storage Permit number but that you subsequently
Line 8b Multiply each amount in Line 8a by the correct tax rate,
used in Illinois instead of shipping out-of-state for those sites for
add the results, and write the total on Line 8b.
which a business district sales tax has not been imposed.
Lines 4a through 8b Page totals
You must print the location code, site name and address, and
You must total each page of Form ST-2-TS on which you report
applicable tax rate for each county and municipality that has not
imposed a business district tax. If a location has more than one
For each of the page total lines at the bottom of the form (4a
tax rate, you should print it more than once. For example, since
through 8b), write the sum of the amounts you wrote on the
Barrington Hills has portions of the city located in four separate
corresponding line for each site. For example, add all of the
counties with four separate tax rates, it would be listed four times
amounts you wrote on Line 4a and write the sum on the 4a page
on Form ST-2-TS. If you make a purchase in Barrington Hills, you
total line.
must determine which is the appropriate location listing and tax
rate for that vendor. You may ask the vendor for this information.
For each line number, 4a through 8b, the sum of all page totals
For each location from which you purchased goods tax-free
you wrote on Form ST-2-TS plus the sum of all page totals you
under this exemption, you must report your purchases on the
wrote on Form ST-2 must equal the amount on the corresponding
appropriate location listing for the appropriate tax rate.
line of your Form ST-1. For example, the sum of all ST-2-TS page
totals for Line 4a plus the sum of all ST-2 page totals for Line 4a
must equal the amount on Line 4a of your Form ST-1.
ST-2-TS instructions (N-5/12)


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