Form 3903 - Moving Expenses - 2012 Page 4

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Form 3903 (2012)
Moves outside the United States or its possessions. Enter the
amount you paid to pack, crate, move, store, and insure your
You can choose to deduct moving expenses in the year you are
household goods and personal effects. Also, include the amount
reimbursed by your employer, even though you paid the expenses
you paid to move your personal effects to and from storage and to
in a different year. However, special rules apply. See When To
store them for all or part of the time the new workplace continues to
Deduct Expenses in Pub. 521.
be your principal workplace.
Filers of Form 2555
Storage fees. Do not file Form 3903 if all of the following apply:
If you file Form 2555, Foreign Earned Income, to exclude any of
• You moved in an earlier year,
your income or housing costs, report the full amount of your
• You are claiming only storage fees during your absence from the
deductible moving expenses on Form 3903 and on Form 1040.
United States, and
Report the part of your moving expenses that is not allowed
• Any amount your employer paid for the storage fees is included in
because it is allocable to the excluded income on the appropriate
box 1 of your Form W-2 (wages).
line of Form 2555. For details on how to figure the part allocable to
Instead, enter the storage fees on Form 1040, line 26, or Form
the excluded income, see Pub. 54, Tax Guide for U.S. Citizens and
1040NR, line 26, and write “Storage” on the dotted line next to
Resident Aliens Abroad.
line 26.
Line 2
Specific Instructions
Enter the amount you paid to travel from your old home to your new
You can deduct the following expenses you paid to move your
home. This includes transportation and lodging on the way. Include
family and dependent household members. Do not deduct
costs for the day you arrive. The members of your household do not
expenses for employees such as a maid, nanny, or nurse.
have to travel together or at the same time. But you can only
Line 1
include expenses for one trip per person. Do not include any
househunting expenses.
Moves within or to the United States or its possessions. Enter
If you use your own vehicle(s), you can figure the expenses by
the amount you paid to pack, crate, and move your household
using either:
goods and personal effects. You can also include the amount you
• Actual out-of-pocket expenses for gas and oil, or
paid to store and insure household goods and personal effects
within any period of 30 days in a row after the items were moved
• Mileage at the rate of 23 cents a mile.
from your old home and before they were delivered to your new
You can add parking fees and tolls to the amount claimed under
either method.


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