number of days and the daily rate. Do not calculate interest
Example 1: Carley received wages for the entire year of 2011.
Three months’ wages belong in column A, five months in
on a negative or zero running balance.
column B, eight months in column C, and all 12 months in
Example 4: On line 13, Catelyn has a running balance of
column D. She also received a lump-sum distribution of
$1,500 for one month and one day. The interest that accrues
$25,000 from her IRA on July 18, 2011. Carley includes the
during this period totals $6.46 ([1,500 × 1 × 0.004167] + [1,500
total amount of the distribution in columns C and D only. If
× 1 × 0.000137]). Catelyn later has a balance of $500 for 28
Carley received the lump-sum distribution on April 25, 2011,
days. The interest that accrues during that period totals $1.92
instead, she includes it in columns B, C, and D.
(500 x 28 x 0.000137).
Line 2. Enter the amount of Oregon additions (Form 40, line
Line 34. Add the amounts in the interest column. Round to
11; Forms 40N or 40P, line 34S) claimed during the period
the nearest whole dollar and enter here and on Form 40, line
shown at the top of each column.
51; or Form 40N or Form 40P, line 69.
Example 2: Payton has an Oregon addition of $6,000 for
California bond interest received in September 2011. Payton
Instructions For Annualized Income
enters the $6,000 in column D. If she received the interest at
(Form 10, page 2)
$500 a month, she would enter $1,500 (for three months) in
column A, $2,500 (for five months) in column B, $4,000 (for
Note: Are you using the Annualized Income Worksheet to
eight months) in column C, and all $6,000 (for 12 months)
compute your 2012 estimated tax payments? If so, see page
in column D.
6 for further instructions.
Line 6. Enter the amount of Oregon subtractions (Form
Part-year residents. If you moved into or out of Oregon dur-
40, line 19; Forms 40N or 40P, line 37S) claimed during the
ing the year, use only the columns that include the dates you
period shown at the top of each column, less the federal tax
lived in Oregon. You must multiply your Oregon tax (line
liability subtraction.
18), exemption credit (line 19), and prorated credits (line 20)
by your Oregon percentage.
Line 9. Compute your federal tax subtraction on your annu-
alized income using the Federal Tax Subtraction Worksheet
Non-residents. You must multiply your federal tax subtrac-
tion (line 9), itemized deductions or standard deduction (line
11 or 14), exemption credit (line 19), and prorated credits
If you are filing Form 40N, multiply your federal tax sub-
(line 20) by your Oregon percentage.
traction by your Oregon percentage from Form 40N, line 39.
Line 1. Enter your adjusted gross income (AGI) (Form 40, line
Line 11. Enter only the amount of your net Oregon itemized
8; Form 40N, line 30S; or Form 40P, line 30F) received during
deductions claimed for the period shown at the top of each
the period shown at the top of each column.
Jan 1
Jan 1
Jan 1
Jan 1
Federal Tax Subtraction Worksheet (line 9 )
Mar 31
May 31
Aug 31
Dec 31
1. Enter the amount of your federal AGI for each period ..................1
2. Annualization multiplier ...................................................................2
3. Multiply line 1 by line 2 ......................................................................3
4. Actual federal itemized deductions for each period.
If you do not itemize, skip to line 7 of this worksheet ...................4
5. Annualization multiplier ...................................................................5
6. Multiply line 4 by line 5 ......................................................................6
7. Enter the full amount of your 2011 federal standard
deduction in each column ..................................................................7
) (
) (
) (
8. Enter line 6 or line 7, whichever is larger .........................................8
9. Line 3 minus line 8 ..............................................................................9
10. 2011 federal exemption amount (Form 1040, line 42,
) (
) (
) (
or Form 1040A, line 26) ....................................................................10
11. Annualized federal taxable income. Line 9 minus line 10 ........... 11
12. Federal tax on line 11 amount for each
period (use the federal tax tables) ...................................................12
13. Enter $5,950 in each column .............................................................13
14. Enter the smaller of line 12 or 13. Also enter this amount in
each column on line 9 of the Annualized Income Worksheet .....14
150-101-031 (Rev. 12-11)