Teacher Exit Interview Survey Page 2


4. List the top three responses in order of priority that best fit your reasons for leaving your
current position:
1____ 2______3_____
a. Increase in salary at my new job.
b. Personal reasons; moving, birth of baby
c. Offered professional growth opportunities not available at my current job
d. Inadequate support to me as a teacher in responding to students’ struggles with
trauma, illness, hardship
e. Lack of respect; failure to consult and include teacher voice in strategies to address
providing a better education to our students
f. Dissatisfied with the administration and work environment at my current school
g. Disagreement with the priorities and strategies of DCPS
h. Difficulties with discipline with my students or within the school
i. Classroom resources, including technology, are lacking
j. IMPACT evaluation experience
k. IMPACT financial award and bonus system
Part B:
If you will not be teaching at all next year, please answer the following questions:
What field will you be working in next year?
What are your reasons for leaving the teaching profession?
Part C:
All teachers should answer the following questions.
1. Do you think the overall climate of DCPS influenced your decision to make a change next
year? Yes No
2. Do you think the overall climate of your school community was a factor?
3. If yes to either of the first two questions please let us know specifically what contributed.
4. Please list any changes you think your school or the District might make in order to improve.
5. Please write any additional comments – feel free to attach additional pages. Thank you.


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