Instructions For Form A-222


A Power of Attorney (Form A-222), or other written authorization,
Examples :
executed by the taxpayer is required by the Wisconsin Department
Individual Income Tax 1989
of Revenue in order for the taxpayer’s representative to perform
Corporation Franchise/Income Tax 1985-1989
certain acts on behalf of the taxpayer and to receive and inspect
Sales Tax - First and Second Quarter 1990
certain tax information. Use of Form A-222 is not mandatory, how-
Withholding Tax - January 1, 1990, until further notice.
Other __ Homestead Credit Claim __ 1989
ever, a substitute form must reflect the information that would be
provided on Wisconsin Form A-222. Photocopies and FAX copies of
Form A-222 are acceptable. The FAX number for the Department of
Part 3b — Limited Power of Attorney
Revenue is (608) 267-0834.
If you wish to have this Power of Attorney apply only to specific
issues, check the appropriate box and complete the line when
The Power of Attorney requirement applies to income, franchise,
alternative minimum, withholding, gift, state and county sales and
use, inheritance, estate, motor vehicle fuel, general aviation fuel,
Examples :
alcohol beverages, drug, cigarette and tobacco products, and other
Private Letter Ruling
tax matters of individuals, partnerships and corporations, including
Revocation Hearing
(S) corporations, and to recycling fees, property tax deferral loans,
Claim For Refund
and homestead and farmland preservation credit matters.
Complete part 3a even though you are completing part 3b.
When the representative is accompanied by the taxpayer or, if the
taxpayer is a corporation, by an officer or authorized employe of the
Part 4 — Exclusions
corporation, a Power of Attorney is not required for the taxpayer’s
When the taxpayer does not want to grant complete authority to the
representative to inspect confidential information or to represent the
attorney-in-fact, excluded acts should be identified by checking the
taxpayer at conferences. Also, a Power of Attorney is generally not
appropriate box. If you check the “other acts” box, enter the
required for a trustee, receiver, guardian, administrator or executor
excluded acts on the line provided. Do not line out portions of the
of an estate, or a representative appointed by a court.
exclusions listed. All computer generated mailings sent from the
Sales, Withholding, and delinquent tax systems are sent to one
address, to either the taxpayer or to the attorney-in-fact.
Part 1 — Taxpayer Information
Part 5 — Mailing of Notices and Written Communications
For individuals: Enter your name, address, social security
Check the applicable box(es) to have notices and other written
number, and telephone number in the space provided. If a joint
communications addressed and sent to the taxpayer and/or the
return is involved, and you and your spouse are designating the
taxpayer’s attorney-in-fact. If more than one representative is listed
same attorney(s)-in-fact, also enter your spouse’s name and
in Part 2, indicate with an asterisk (*) in front of the name, who should
social security number, and your spouse’s address if different
receive the notices and other written communications. Note: dupli-
from yours. A federal identification number is not required for
cate copies of computer generated sales, withholding, and delin-
quent tax notices and other written communications, etc. cannot be
issued due to current system restraints.
For a corporation or partnership: Enter the name, business
address, federal identification number, and telephone number.
Part 6 — Revoking a Power of Attorney
C. For a trust: Enter the name, title, address, and telephone
By filing a new Form A-222 all prior Powers of Attorney filed with the
number of the fiduciary, and the name and federal identification
Department of Revenue for the same matters and years or periods
number of the trust.
are revoked unless specifically stated otherwise on the line pro-
D. For an estate: Enter the name, title, address, and telephone
number of the decedent’s personal representative, and the
Part 7 — Signature of Taxpayer(s)
name and identification number of the estate. The identification
number for an estate includes both the federal identification
The Power of Attorney form must be signed by the taxpayer; a
number if the estate has one and the decedent’s social security
signature stamp is not acceptable.
Signature of Taxpayer:
For any other entity: Enter the name, business address, federal
For individuals: If a joint return is involved and both hus-
identification number, and telephone number.
band and wife will be represented by the same individual(s),
both spouses must sign the Power of Attorney. If they are
Part 2 — Appointee
to be represented by different individuals, each spouse
Enter the name, address, and telephone number of each individual
may execute his or her own Power of Attorney.
appointed as attorney-in-fact.
For partnerships: All partners must sign unless one partner
is authorized to act in the name of the partnership.
Part 3a — Tax Matters and Years or Periods
In the columns provided, identify the type(s) of tax this Power of
For a corporation, trust ,estate, or any other entity: A
Attorney authorization applies to by checking the appropriate box(es).
corporate officer or person having authority to bind the
Enter your Wisconsin identification number for each type of tax
entity must sign.
checked, and the years or periods for which the Power of Attorney
Date: The Power of Attorney should be dated when signed. The
is granted. The word “All” for taxes or periods is not specific enough.
beginning effective date for department action will be the
The Power of Attorney can be limited to specific reporting period(s)
department’s receipt date and the Power of Attorney will remain
that can be stated in year(s), quarter(s), month(s), etc., or can be
in effect until the department is otherwise notified in writing.
granted for an indefinite period of time. If the matter relates to estate
or inheritance tax, enter the date of the taxpayer’s death instead of
the year or period.


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