Form Ct-5.1 - Request For Additional Extension Of Time To File - 2011 Page 2


Page 2 of 2 CT-5.1 (2011)
General information
Approval of request for additional extension
If you have already applied for an extension of time to file
Additional time to file your return will be allowed if you
your return(s) and you still need more time, use
meet the following conditions:
Form CT-5.1 to request an additional three-month
— you have a valid reason for requesting additional
extension. If you filed one extension form for both
time; and
your tax return and MTA surcharge return, file only
— you have filed a valid request for a franchise/business
one Form CT-5.1 to request an additional three-month
tax or MTA surcharge return extension (Form CT-5,
CT-5.3, CT-5.9, or CT-5.9-E) on or before the
A corporation taxable under Article 9 with a valid
original due date of the tax return.
three-month extension is limited to three additional
Having an additional extension of time to file your federal
three-month extensions.
tax return does not extend the filing date of your New
A corporation taxable under Article 9-A, 13, 32, or 33 with
York State franchise tax return.
a valid six-month extension is limited to two additional
Combined groups
three-month extensions.
A combined group must use one form to file the request
A separate Form CT-5.1 is required for each additional
for an additional extension. Use the name and employer
three-month extension. This form may be used by general
identification number of the taxpayer that is designated
business corporations and other kinds of corporations
as the parent corporation (the corporation responsible
such as banks, insurance corporations, transportation
for filing franchise tax return Form CT-3-A, CT-32-A, or
corporations, and utilities.
CT-33-A) when completing this form.
New York S corporations may not use this form since
they are not allowed an additional extension of time
beyond six months.
The document must be certified by the president, vice
president, treasurer, assistant treasurer, chief accounting
When to file
officer, or other officer authorized by the taxpayer
File Form CT-5.1 on or before the expiration of your
current extension.
The document of an association, publicly traded
Where to file
partnership, or business conducted by a trustee or
trustees must be signed by a person authorized to act for
Mail this form to:
the association, publicly traded partnership, or business.
PO BOX 22102
If an outside individual or firm prepared the document,
ALBANY NY 12201-2102
all applicable entries in the paid preparer section must
be completed, including identification numbers (see Paid
Private delivery services
preparer identification numbers in Form CT-1). Failure
If you choose, you may use a private delivery service,
to sign the document will delay the processing of any
instead of the U.S. Postal Service, to mail in your form
refunds and may result in penalties.
and tax payment. However, if, at a later date, you need to
establish the date you filed or paid your tax, you cannot
Need help? and Privacy notification
use the date recorded by a private delivery service unless
See Form CT-1, Supplement to Corporation Tax
you used a delivery service that has been designated by
the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury or the Commissioner
of Taxation and Finance. (Currently designated delivery
services are listed in Publication 55, Designated Private
Delivery Services. See Need help? for information on
obtaining forms and publications.) If you have used a
designated private delivery service and need to establish
the date you filed your form, contact that private delivery
service for instructions on how to obtain written proof of
the date your form was given to the delivery service for
delivery. If you use any private delivery service, whether
it is a designated service or not, send the forms covered
by these instructions to: State Processing Center,
431C Broadway, Albany NY 12204-4836.


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