Form It-2106.1 - Reconciliation Of Estimated Income Tax Account For Fiduciaries

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New York State Department of Taxation and Finance
Reconciliation of Estimated Income Tax Account for Fiduciaries
Tax year:
Name of estate or trust
Estate or trust identification number or EIN
( as shown on federal Form SS-4 )
Mailing address
Decedent’s SSN
( number and street, rural route, or PO box )
City, village, or post office
ZIP code
Fax number for reply
1 Enter the amount in the estate’s or trust’s estimated tax account as provided by the Tax Department ..... 1.
Document locator number
2 Credit from previous year ......................
3 Payment ................................................
4 Payment ................................................
5 Payment ................................................
6 Payment ................................................
7 Estimated tax paid with Form IT-2663
and/or IT-2664 ....................................
8 Add lines 2 through 7
( enter here and see instructions )
Lines 3 through 7 — Enter the date, document locator number,
The estate or trust can check its balance and reconcile its estimated
and amount of each payment the estate or trust made. The
tax account by accessing our Web site at
document locator number is a 12-character entry beginning
Use this form only if the estate’s or trust’s records disagree with
with PT, and it appears on the back of the estate’s or trust’s
the estimated tax amount provided by the Tax Department.
canceled check or money order. If the estate or trust paid by
The estate or trust may fax or mail its completed form to the
money order, contact the issuing agent for this information.
Account Reconciliation Unit as follows:
Note: Line 7 is the amount of estimated tax paid with
Fax to (518) 457-2249, or mail to:
Form IT-2663, Nonresident Real Property Estimated Income Tax
Payment Form and/or Form IT-2664, Nonresident Cooperative
Unit Estimated Income Tax Payment Form.
Line 8 — If line 8 is the same as line 1, the estate’s or trust’s
records agree with ours; claim the line 1 amount as estimated
tax paid on its fiduciary income tax return, Form IT-205, line 30.
Be sure to include the document locator number for each
If line 8 is different from line 1, fax or mail this completed form
payment to allow for proper crediting.
immediately as instructed above. We will review our records
and reply to the estate or trust in time for the estate or trust
Line instructions
to file its return, provided we receive the estate’s or trust’s
Line 2 — Enter the amount of the estate’s or trust’s previous
Form IT-2106.1 by April 1.
income tax overpayment that was credited to its current
estimated tax account, as finally determined. If there was an
Privacy notification — see Form IT-2106-I, Instructions for
adjustment to the estate’s or trust’s previous tax return, the
Form IT-2106, Estimated Income Tax Payment Voucher for
amount requested may differ from the amount actually credited.
The estate or trust should have received a notice of adjusted
credit to advise you of the proper amount.


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