Form Nj-1040-Es - Estimated Tax Worksheet For Individuals - 2012 Page 2

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2012 NJ-1040-ES
Payment of Estimated Tax
estimated tax must be paid at the time the amended declaration
is filed. Use the Amended Computation Schedule on page 4 to
You may pay your estimated tax in full by the due date of the
first installment or in four equal installments. Estimated pay ­
determine the amount of your remaining installments.
ments may be made by:
Failure to File a Declaration or to Pay Estimated Tax
Check or Money Order, payable to State of New Jersey – TGI.
If a declaration is filed after the due date, it does not affect the
Write your social security number (Federal employer identifica­
due date of the remaining installments. If you fail to pay all or
tion number for estates or trusts) on the check or money order
any part of any required declaration of estimated tax, underpay­
and enclose the completed declaration voucher for the period.
ment of estimated tax occurs. Interest at the annual rate of 3%
above the prime rate is added to the underpayment amount
Electronic Check (e-check), available on the Division’s Web
for that period. See Interest below. The estate of a taxpayer
site ( ). Those without Internet
who dies during the taxable year may be required to start (or
access can pay by e­check by contacting the Division’s Cus to­
continue) filing estimated tax payments.
mer Service Center at 609­292­6400. Do not send in a decla ra­
tion of estimated tax voucher when paying by e-check. When
Form NJ-2210
using e-check on the Web, individuals need their social security
If you fail to make all required estimated tax payments, complete
number and date of birth, and estates and trusts need their
Form NJ-2210, Underpayment of Estimated Tax by Individuals,
Federal employer identification number and either the date of
Estates or Trusts, to determine if interest is due and if so, to cal -
the decedent’s death or the date the trust was created to make
culate the amount. Instructions are included with the form.
a payment. E-check payments made using an account that is
funded from a financial institution outside the United States will
Interest will be assessed at the prime rate plus 3%, compounded
not be accepted. E-check payments of estimated tax can also be
annually. At the end of each calendar year, any tax and interest
scheduled in advance.
that are still unpaid will become part of the balance on which
Credit Card, by phone (1-800-2PAYTAX, toll-free) or online
interest is charged.
( ), using a Visa, American
Completing the Declaration Voucher
Express, MasterCard, or Discover card. You may be asked to
a. Complete the worksheet to figure your 2012 estimated tax.
enter a jurisdiction code to make your payment. The code for
b. Enter your name, address, and social security number on
New Jersey personal income tax is 4000. There is a convenience
the voucher (if not preprinted). If you are making a joint
fee of 2.49% paid directly to Official Payments Corpora tion
decla ra tion, also enter your spouse’s/civil union partner’s
based on the amount of your tax payment. Do not send in a
social security number. Be sure to enter the name and social
declaration of estimated tax voucher when paying by credit card.
security number of each spouse/civil union partner in the
Changes in Income, Exemptions, etc.
same sequence used on your return. Estates and trusts enter
Although you may not be required to file a Declaration of
the Federal employer identification number.
Estimated Tax on April 15, 2012, your situation can change and
: Please print your numbers like this:
you may have to file a declaration later in the year. Calendar
year filers must file by:
June 15, 2012 – if changes occur after April 1 and
before June 2
c. Check the appropriate box to indicate the return for
September 15, 2012 – if changes occur after June 1 and
which payment is being made: Resident (Form NJ-1040),
before September 2
Nonresident (Form NJ-1040NR or NJ-1080C), or Fiduciary
January 15, 2013 – if changes occur after September 1
(Form NJ-1041).
Pay the estimated tax in equal installments on the remaining
d. Enter the actual amount of the payment being submitted
payment dates.
in the space provided on the voucher. If you overpaid your
You need not file a January 15, 2013, Declaration of Estimated
2011 income tax and elected to apply the overpayment to
Tax as long as you file your 2012 income tax return by Febru­
your 2012 estimated income tax, that overpayment will be
ary 15, 2013, and pay the entire balance due. This also applies
automatically credited to the first quarterly installment, or it
to filing an amended declaration, or filing an original declara­
may be partially or fully applied to any installment. Subtract
tion which would first be due in the fourth quarter, or paying the
the amount of the 2011 overpayment from the amount of the
last installment of your estimated tax.
installment due and enter only the amount actually being
submitted with the voucher.
An individual may file a declaration of estimated tax at any
e. Enclose your check or money order with the voucher.
time on or before January 15 of the succeeding year if at least
Remember to write your social security number on your check
two-thirds of his total estimated income for the taxable year is
or money order. If filing jointly, include the social security
derived from farming (including oyster farming). Farmers filing
numbers of both spouses/civil union partners. Estates and
declarations by January 15 must pay estimated taxes in full with
trusts enter the Federal employer identification number.
the declaration.
f. Mail your check or money order along with your voucher to
Amended Declarations
the address listed in Where to File on page 1.
If a declaration is amended, any remaining installments must be
: If payment is made by e-check or credit card,
adjusted to reflect the change in estimated tax. If an amended
no declaration of estimated tax voucher need be
declaration is made after September 15, 2012, any increase in
filed. See Payment of Estimated Tax above.


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