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Iowa Department of Revenue
2012 IA 128
Iowa Research Activities Credit
Pass-through entity (if applicable).
Pass-through FEIN
Attach a list if multiple pass-through entities.
PART I - Computation of Credit for Increasing Research Activities
Certain amounts paid or incurred to energy consortia .............................................................. 1. ___________________
2. Basic research payments paid or incurred to qualified organizations......................................... 2.
3. Qualified organizations base amount ................................................ ........................................ 3.
4. Subtract line 3 from line 2. If zero or less, enter zero. .............................................................. 4. ___________________
5. Wages for services used in qualified research ......................................................................... 5. ___________________
6. Cost of supplies used in conducting qualified research ............................................................ 6. ___________________
7. Rental or lease costs of computers used in conducting qualified research .............................. 7. ___________________
8. Applicable portion of contract expenses .................................................................................... 8. ___________________
9. Add lines 5 through 8. ................................................................................................................ 9. ___________________
10. Enter fixed-base percentage, but not more than 16%. ............................................................. 10. ________________ %
11. Enter average annual gross receipts. ........................................................................................ 11. __________________
12. Base amount. Multiply line 11 by the percentage on line 10. ................................................... 12. __________________
13. Subtract line 12 from line 9. ....................................................................................................... 13. __________________
14. Multiply line 9 by 50%. ............................................................................................................... 14. __________________
15. Enter the smaller of line 13 or line 14. ....................................................................................... 15. __________________
16. Total allowable expenses. Add lines 1, 4, and 15. .................................................................... 16. __________________
PART II - Percentage of Research Activities Occurring Within Iowa
17. Certain amounts paid or incurred to energy consortia in Iowa .................................................. 17. __________________
18. Basic research payments paid or incurred to qualified organizations in Iowa ..........................
19. Iowa apportioned qualified organizations base amount............................................................
20. Subtract line 19 from line 18. If zero or less, enter zero. .......................................................... 20. __________________
21. Wages for qualified research services performed in Iowa ........................................................ 21. __________________
22. Cost of supplies used in conducting qualified research in Iowa ............................................... 22. __________________
23. Rental or lease costs of computers used in conducting qualified research in Iowa ................. 23. __________________
24. Applicable portion of contract expenses for qualified research performed in Iowa .................. 24. __________________
25. Add lines 21 through 24. ............................................................................................................ 25. __________________
26. Total Iowa qualified research expenses. Add lines 17, 18, and 25. ......................................... 26. __________________
27. Total current-year qualified research expenses. Add lines 1, 2, and 9. ................................... 27. __________________
28. Divide line 26 by line 27 and enter percentage to 3 decimals. ................................................. 28. ________________ %
29. Expenses allocable to Iowa. Multiply line 16 by line 28. ........................................................... 29. __________________
30. Research Activities Credit. Multiply line 29 by 6.5% and enter on Part II of the IA 148. .......... 30. __________________
31. Supplemental Research Activities Credit. See instructions. Enter on Part II of the IA 148. ..... 31. __________________
32. Pass-through Iowa Research Activities Credit received from partnership, LLC,
S corporation, estate, or trust. Enter on Part II and IV of the IA 148. ....................................... 32. __________________
33. Pass-through Supplemental Research Activities Credit Received from partnership, LLC,
S corporation, estate, or trust. Enter on Part II and IV of the IA 148. ....................................... 33. __________________
41-128a (08/30/12)