Form U-7 - Small Company Offering Registration (Scor) Form Page 37


The Company’s Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer, and its Directors must sign
this Disclosure Document. When they sign this Disclosure Document, they represent that they
have diligently attempted to confirm the accuracy and completeness of the information in the
When the Chief Financial Officer signs this Disclosure Document, he or she represents that
the financial statements in the Document have been prepared in accordance with generally accepted
accounting principles which have been consistently applied, except where explained in the notes to
the financial statements.
He or she represents that the financial statements fairly state the
Company's financial position and results of operations, or receipts and disbursements, as of the
dates and periods indicated. He or she also represents that year-end figures include all adjustments
necessary for a fair presentation under the circumstances.
Chief Executive Officer:
Chief Financial Officer:
Small Company Offering Registration (SCOR) Form
Page - 37
Revised: September 28, 1999


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