Form U-7 - Small Company Offering Registration (Scor) Form Page 34


If the answer to Item 108(a) or (b) is “yes,” provide detailed information about
each transaction. Include the name of the person, the cost to the Company, the method used to
determine the cost, and any profit to the seller.
Will the Company use any offering proceeds to reimburse any Officer, Director, key
person, or principal stockholder for services already rendered, assets previously transferred, or
moneys loaned or advanced, or otherwise?
[ ] Yes
[ ] No
If yes, provide detailed information about each transaction. Include the name of
the person, the cost to the Company, the method used to determine the cost, and any profit to
the person.
Has the Company made loans to any Officer, Director, key person, or principal
stockholder within the last two years?
[ ] Yes
[ ] No
Does the Company plan to make loans to its Officers, Directors, key persons, or
principal stockholders in the future? [ ] Yes
[ ] No
If yes, describe any policies the Company has adopted to deal with the conflicts of interest in these
Has the Company done business with any Officer, Director, key person, or principal
stockholder within the last two years?
[ ] Yes
[ ] No
Is the Company currently doing business with any Officer, Director, key person, or
principal stockholder?
[ ] Yes
[ ] No
Does the Company plan to do business with its Officers, Directors, key persons, or
principal stockholders in the future?
[ ] Yes
[ ] No
If yes, describe any policies the Company has adopted to deal with the conflicts of interest in these
Explain any “yes” answers to Items 110(a), 111(a), or 111(b). State the principal terms of
any significant loans, agreements, leases, financing, or other arrangements.
Small Company Offering Registration (SCOR) Form
Page - 34
Revised: September 28, 1999


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