Form U-7 - Small Company Offering Registration (Scor) Form Page 3


The Offering
Name of Sales Person(s):
Telephone Number:
Is there an impound of proceeds until the minimum is obtained?
[ ] Yes
[ ] No
(See Items 73 - 76)
Is this offering limited to certain purchasers?
[ ] Yes
[ ] No (See Item 72)
Is transfer of the securities restricted?
[ ] Yes
[ ] No
(See Item 53)
This offering is available for sale in the following states:
You should consider the terms and risks of this offering before you invest. No
government regulator is recommending these securities.
No government regulator has
verified that this document is accurate or determined that it is adequate. It is a crime for
anyone to tell you differently.
Small Company Offering Registration (SCOR) Form
Page - 3
Revised: September 28, 1999


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