Form 982 - Reduction Of Tax Attributes Due To Discharge Of Indebtedness (And Section 1082 Basis Adjustment) Page 4

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Form 982 (Rev. 2-2011)
Line 2
Qualified acquisition indebtedness is (a) debt incurred or
assumed to acquire, construct, reconstruct, or substantially
Enter the total amount excluded from your gross income due to
improve real property that is secured by such debt and (b) debt
discharge of indebtedness under section 108. If you checked
resulting from the refinancing of qualified acquisition
any box on lines 1b through 1e, do not enter more than the limit
indebtedness to the extent the amount of such debt does not
explained in the instructions for those lines. If you checked line
exceed the amount of debt being refinanced.
1a, 1b, or 1c, this amount will not necessarily equal the total
You cannot exclude more than the excess of the
reductions on lines 5 through 13 (excluding line 10b) because
outstanding principal amount of the debt (immediately before
the debt discharge amount may exceed the total tax attributes.
the discharge) over the net FMV (as of that time) of the
If you checked line 1e, this amount will not necessarily equal the
property securing the debt reduced by the outstanding principal
total basis reduction on line 10b (which is required only if you
amount of other qualified real property business indebtedness
continue to own the residence after the discharge).
secured by that property (as of that time). The amount excluded
See section 382(l)(5) for a special rule regarding a reduction of
is further limited to the aggregate adjusted basis (as of the first
a corporation’s tax attributes after certain ownership changes.
day of the next tax year or, if earlier, the date of disposition) of
depreciable real property (determined after any reductions
Line 3
under sections 108(b) and (g)) you held immediately before the
discharge (other than property acquired in contemplation of the
You can elect under section 1017(b)(3)(E) to treat all real
discharge). Any excess is included in income.
property held primarily for sale to customers in the ordinary
course of a trade or business as if it were depreciable property.
This election does not apply to the discharge of qualified real
Line 1e
property business indebtedness. To make the election, check
Check this box if the income you exclude is from discharge of
the “Yes” box.
qualified principal residence indebtedness. Also, be sure you
Part II
complete line 2 (and line 10b if you continue to own the
residence after discharge). However, if the discharge occurs in a
Basis Reduction
title 11 case, you must check the box on line 1a and not this
box. If you are insolvent (and not in a title 11 case), you can
If you check any of the boxes on lines 1a through 1c, you can
elect to follow the insolvency rules by checking box 1b instead
elect, by completing line 5, to apply all or a part of the debt
of checking this box. For more information, see Pub. 4681.
discharge amount to first reduce the basis of depreciable
property (including property you elected on line 3 to treat as
Principal residence. Your principal residence is your main
depreciable property). Any balance of the debt discharge
home, which is the home where you ordinarily live most of the
amount will then be applied to reduce the tax attributes in the
time. You can have only one main home at any one time.
order listed on lines 6 through 13 (excluding line 10b). You must
Qualified principal residence indebtedness. This
attach a statement describing the transactions that resulted in
indebtedness is a mortgage you took out to buy, build, or
the reduction in basis under section 1017 and identifying the
substantially improve your main home. It also must be secured
property for which you reduced the basis. If you do not make
by your main home. If the amount of your original mortgage is
the election on line 5, complete lines 6 through 13 (excluding
more than the cost of your main home plus the cost of any
line 10b) to reduce your attributes. See section 1017(b)(2) and
substantial improvements, only the debt that is not more than
(c) for limitations of reductions in basis on line 10a.
the cost of your main home plus improvements is qualified
principal residence indebtedness. Any debt secured by your
Line 7
main home that you use to refinance qualified principal
If you have a general business credit carryover to or from the tax
residence indebtedness is treated as qualified principal
year of the discharge, you must reduce that carryover by 33
residence indebtedness, but only up to the amount of the old
cents for each dollar excluded from gross income. See Form
mortgage principal just before the refinancing. Any additional
3800, General Business Credit, for more details on the general
debt you incurred to substantially improve your main home is
business credit, including rules for figuring any carryforward or
also treated as qualified principal residence indebtedness.
Amount eligible for the exclusion. The exclusion applies only
to debt discharged after 2006 and before 2013. The maximum
Line 10a
amount you can treat as qualified principal residence
In the case of a title 11 case or insolvency, the reduction in
indebtedness is $2 million ($1 million if married filing separately).
basis is limited to the aggregate of the basis of your property
You cannot exclude from gross income discharge of qualified
immediately after the discharge over the aggregate of your
principal residence indebtedness if the discharge was for
liabilities immediately after the discharge. However, this limit
services performed for the lender or on account of any other
does not apply to a reduction in basis reported on line 5
factor not directly related to a decline in the value of your
pursuant to section 108(b)(5).
residence or to your financial condition.
Line 10b
Ordering rule. If only a part of a loan is qualified principal
residence indebtedness, the exclusion applies only to the extent
If box 1e is checked and you continue to own the residence
the amount discharged exceeds the amount of the loan
after discharge, enter the smaller of:
(immediately before the discharge) that is not qualified principal
residence indebtedness. For example, assume your main home
• The part of line 2 that is attributable to the exclusion of
is secured by a debt of $1 million, of which $800,000 is qualified
qualified principal residence indebtedness, or
principal residence indebtedness. If your main home is sold for
• The basis of your main home.
$700,000 and $300,000 of debt is discharged, only $100,000 of
the debt discharged can be excluded (the $300,000 that was
discharged minus the $200,000 of nonqualified debt). The
remaining $200,000 of nonqualified debt may qualify in whole or
in part for one of the other exclusions, such as the insolvency


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