The filament in a
These sunglasses are
Remember S.O.S.
light bulb
translucent – some
A shadow is formed
becomes hot as,
light passes through them.
behind an object
the electrical
These notes
when it blocks
current passes through
fluoresce when a
the light.
it, and then it glows to
UV light is shone
create light.
on them.
We see objects around us
This bowl is opaque – no
because light from a
light passes through it
light source is reflected
Reflections are all around us. We
and you can’t see
from them into our eyes .
see buildings and other items are
through it .
reflected in lakes, rivers and other natural
reflective surfaces. A kaleidoscope uses two
A lit candle is a
This glass is
mirrors to produce a pattern of images. Two
light source The
transparent –
mirrors angled at 45° enable us to see
candle vapour
all light passes
around corners using a periscope.
burns to produce
through it.
light. The candle
Many things contain lenses e.g. magnifying
You can see
flame is
reflected light
glasses, microscopes, spectacles,
through it.
cameras and eyes!