Form Ifta-100-Mn - Ifta Quarterly Fuel Use Tax Return Page 2

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Complete Form Ifta-100-Mn - Ifta Quarterly Fuel Use Tax Return with your personal data - all interactive fields are highlighted in places where you should type, access drop-down lists or select multiple-choice options.

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General Information
Line 1 - Enter the total amount from column Q on the front
of Form IFTA-101-MN for diesel fuel.
Who Must File
- Anyone holding a license under the
Line 2 - Enter the total amount from column Q on the front
International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA) is required to file, on
of Form IFTA-101-MN for motor fuel gasoline.
a quarterly basis Form IFTA-100, IFTA Quarterly Fuel Use Tax
Return, and Form IFTA-101, IFTA Quarterly Fuel Use Tax
Line 3 - Enter the total amount from column Q on the front
Schedule for each fuel type. These forms are preprinted with
of Form IFTA-101-MN for ethanol.
your taxpayer identification number, name, address, fuel types
Line 4 - Enter the total amount from column Q on the front
and traveled jurisdictions and are mailed to you.
(IFTA-100-MN, IFTA Quarterly Fuel Use Tax Return and
of Form IFTA-101-MN for propane (LPG).
IFTA-101-MN, IFTA Quarterly Fuel Use Tax Schedule, are the
Line 5 - Enter the total amount from column S of the
manual versions of these forms that require you to enter all
worksheet on the back of Form IFTA-101-I-MN for all other fuel
pertinent information and should only be used when the
preprinted version is unattainable.)
Form IFTA-100 summarizes the amount of tax due or the
Line 6 - Add lines 1 through 5.
This amount is the net of all
amount to be credited for the various fuel types computed on
credits and taxes due for each fuel type reported on lines 1 -
each Form IFTA-101 and is used to determine the total amount
5. Enter a net credit amount in brackets.
due/credit, including any appropriate penalty and interest.
Line 7 - Penalty - A penalty of $50 or 10% of delinquent
taxes, whichever is greater, is imposed for the failure to file a
one liter = 0.2642 gallons
one gallon
= 3.785 liters
return, for filing a late return, or for underpayment of taxes
one mile = 1.6093 kilometers one kilometer = 0.62137 miles
Line 8 - Add lines 6 and 7. Enter a credit amount in
- - - -
- - - -
Enter the ending date of the quarter covered by this return.
Line 9 - Enter the amount of prior credit you are claiming.
Enter your licensee IFTA identification number. This is your
Any credit not claimed will be carried over to the next filing
federal employer identification number, social security number
or other jurisdiction assigned identification number as it
Line 10 - Subtract line 9 from line 8. Enter a credit amount in
appears on your IFTA License.
brackets. If the amount on line 10 is a balance due, enter the
Enter your legal name as it appears on your IFTA license and
amount of your payment in the payment box above line 1.
complete mailing address.
Line 11 - Enter the portion of the credit that you want
Address Change
- Mark X in this box if this address is your
refunded to you. If you do not request a refund of the total
new or corrected address.
credit, any remaining credit balance will be available on your
No Operation
- Mark X in this box if you did not operate a
next quarterly report.
Caution: Credit balances can not be
qualified motor vechicle(s) in any jurisdiction including your
carried forward for more than eight quarters (two years) from
base jurisdiction during the quarter. Sign this report and mail
the quarter earned.
to the address indicated on the report.
- The return must be signed and dated by the owner
Cancel License
- Mark X in this box if you are filing a final
(if an individual business), a partner (if a partnership or a
return and requesting your license be canceled. Complete this
limited liability partnership), a member (if a limited liability
return for your operations during the quarter and return your
company), or (if a corporation) by the president, treasurer,
IFTA license and any unused decals to the address on your
chief accounting officer, or any other person specifically
license. Destroy any used decals.
authorized to act on behalf of a corporation. The fact that an
Amended Return
- Mark X in this box if this return corrects
individual's name is signed on the certification shall be prima
facie evidence that the individual is authorized to sign and
a previous return. Indicate the quarter and year of the return
certify the return on behalf of the business.
you are correcting. The amended return should show the
correct figures for that quarter - not the difference. An
explanation of the changes must accompany the amended
Additionally, if anyone other than an employee, owner,
partner, officer or member of the business is paid to prepare
- - - -
- - - -
the report he or she is required to sign and date the return and
Line Instructions
provide his or her EIN/social security number, mailing address
and telephone number.
Enter any credit amounts in brackets.
For additional forms or information, see the back of
Form IFTA-101-I-MN, Instructions for completing Form
1. Attach check or money order payable to
Mail your return to the
IFTA Processing Center at this address.
2. Include on your check or money order your identification
number, Form IFTA-100-MN and the period covered by
this return.
3. Place this form (this side up) on top of the IFTA-101-MN
schedule(s) you are returning.
PO BOX 22075
ALBANY NY 12201-2075
IFTA-100-MN (4/06) (back)


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