Form It-20np - Nonprofit Organization Unrelated Business Income Tax Booklet - 2012 Page 7


Questions K and L
a trade or business activity regularly carried on by the nonprofit
organization that is not substantially related to its exempt
Check or complete all boxes that apply for your return.
purpose. Indiana follows the Internal Revenue Service’s rulings
regarding types of income substantially related to or not related
K-1 Is this filing your initial return for the State of Indiana?
to an organization’s exempt purpose. Refer to Internal Revenue
Service Publication 598.
K-2 Is this filing your final return for the state of Indiana? Check
this box only if the organization is dissolved, is liquidated, or
Exclusions from Unrelated Business Income
withdrew from the state. Also, you must timely file Form
Exceptions that do not constitute income from an “unrelated
BC-100 to close out any sales and withholding accounts. Go to
trade or business” include
to complete this form online.
(1) Any trade or business in which substantially all the work
K-3 Check this box if the organization is in bankruptcy.
is performed for the organization without compensation;
(2) Any trade or business carried on by a charitable
organization or by a state college or university primarily
K-4 Check this box if filing Indiana Schedule M, Alternate
for the convenience of its members, students, patients,
Adjusted Gross Income Tax Calculation.
officers, or employees;
L Check the Yes box if an extension of time to file your return is in
(3) Any trade or business consisting of selling merchandise,
substantially all of which has been received by the
effect. If applicable, enclose a copy of federal Form 7004 when
organization as gifts or contributions;
filing your state return.
(4) The furnishing by a qualified hospital at or near cost of
certain common services, including purchasing, billing
How to Report Charity Gaming Receipts
and collection, and record keeping, to small hospitals, i.e.
Exempt nonprofit organizations do not pay income taxes on
serving fewer than 100 in-patients;
the proceeds from licensed charity gaming events. For further
(5) Qualified public entertainment activities of certain
information, contact the Indiana Gaming Commission, 101
types of exempt organizations when a qualifying
W. Washington Street, East Tower, Suite 1600, Indianapolis, IN
organization regularly conducts as one of its substantial
46204, or visit their website at All nonprofit
exempt purposes an agriculture and educational fair or
organizations must report unrelated business income. The
corporate adjusted gross income tax is computed on the nonprofit
(6) Qualified convention and trade show activities of a
organization unrelated business income return.
qualifying organization that regularly conducts, as one of
its substantial exempt purposes, a show that stimulates
Report of Unrelated Business Income
interest in, and demand for, the products of a particular
All organizations exempt under IC 6-2.5-5-21 described in
industry or segment of an industry;
Internal Revenue Code (IRC) 501(c) and IRC 401(a), including
(7) Certain charity gaming events as long as the organization
churches, religious organizations, hospitals, social organizations,
is properly licensed;
business leagues, pension trusts, and all other institutions, that are
(8) Certain pole rentals, by a mutual or cooperative
subject to the tax imposed by IRC 511 are also subject to Indiana
telephone or electric company;
adjusted gross income tax on their unrelated business income.
(9) Certain distributions of low-cost articles, incidental
to the solicitation of charitable contributions, and
IC 6-3-2-3.1 provides that only the unrelated business income
the exchange or rental of mailing lists by charitable
(as defined in IRC 513) of an organization otherwise exempt
organizations; and
from adjusted gross income tax under IC 6-3-2-2.8(1) is subject
(10) Sponsorship payments for which the payer receives
to adjusted gross income tax. (This section does not apply to the
no substantial return benefit other than the use or
United States, its agencies or instrumentalities or to the State of
acknowledgement of the name, logo, or product lines
Indiana, its agencies or political subdivisions.)
of the payer’s trade or business in connection with the
organization’s activities.
Pension trusts that would be taxed as a trust were it not for the
exemption under IRC Section 501(a) will be taxed as a trust on
Adjusted Gross Income Tax Computation for
any unrelated business income (as defined in IRC Section 513)
Unrelated Business Income
and should file a Form IT-41. Income from bingo events; raffles;
Under the Adjusted Gross Income Tax Act, the Department
door prizes; charity game nights; festival events; and the sale of
recognizes the method of accounting used for federal income tax
pull tabs, punchboards, and tip boards are considered unrelated
purposes. If income is received from activity outside Indiana that
business income unless the organization uses completely
is subject to tax in another state, the three-factor apportionment
volunteer labor and is properly registered with the Indiana
formula must be used. Enclose the completed Schedule E,
Gaming Commission to conduct such activities.
Apportionment of Income, with the return.
The organization may have income from the sources enumerated
Note: Round all entries to the nearest whole dollar amount. Do
on IT-20NP schedules that is not subject to tax as unrelated
not use a comma in dollar amounts of four digits or more. For
business income. To be subject to tax, the income must be from
example, instead of entering “3,455” you should enter “3455. ”


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