Form It-20np - Nonprofit Organization Unrelated Business Income Tax Booklet - 2012 Page 6


Instructions for Completing
quarterly estimated IT-6 returns. For further instructions, refer to
Information Bulletin #11 at
Form IT-20NP
Penalty for Underpayment of Estimated Taxes
Filing Period and Identification
Organizations estimating their income taxes are subject to
a 10 percent underpayment penalty if they fail to timely file
File a 2012 Form IT-20NP return for a taxable year ending
estimated tax payments or fail to remit a sufficient amount. To
Dec. 31, 2012, a short tax year beginning in 2012 and ending in
avoid the penalty, the required quarterly estimated payments
2012, or a fiscal tax year beginning in 2012 and ending in 2013.
must be at least 20 percent of the total income tax liability for
For a short or fiscal tax year, at the top of the form fill in the
the current taxable year or 25 percent of the organization’s final
beginning month and day and the ending date of the taxable year.
income tax liability for the previous tax year. The penalty for
the underpayment of estimated tax is assessed on the difference
The identification section of the return must be completed
between the actual amount paid by the organization for each
regarding the tax year, name, address, county, date organized,
quarter and 25 percent of its final income tax liability for the
federal identification number, business activity code number,
current tax year. Refer to the instructions for Schedule IT-2220,
and telephone number. Please use the full legal name of the
Penalty for the Underpayment of Corporate Income Taxes, which
organization and its current mailing address.
is available online at
For foreign addresses, please note the following:
Use Schedule IT-2220 to show an exception to the penalty if the
Be sure to enter the name of the city, town, or village in
nonprofit organization underpaid its income tax for any quarter. If
the box labeled City;
an exception to the penalty is not met, payment of the computed
Be sure to enter the name of the state or province in the
penalty must be included with the return. The required estimate
box labeled State; and
should exceed the annualized income installment calculated in
Be sure to enter the postal code and the 2-digit country
the manner provided by IRC Section 6655(e) as applied to the
code in the box labeled ZIP Code.
corporation’s liability or 25 percent of the final tax liability for the
prior taxable year. If either of these conditions is met, no penalty
For a name change, check the box at the top of the return and
will be assessed for the estimated period.
enclose copies of the amended Articles of Incorporation 4162 or
Amended Certificate of Authority filed with the Indiana Secretary
Electronic Funds Transfer Requirements
of State with the return. The federal identification number
A nonprofit organization’s quarterly estimated tax must be
shown in the box in the upper-right corner of the return must be
remitted by EFT if the amount of tax on unrelated business
accurate and the same as used for federal purposes.
income of the organization exceeds an average liability of $5,000
per quarter (or $20,000 annually). Because there is no minimum
Enter the number of your business activity code in the designated
amount of payment, the Department encourages all taxpayers not
box under the federal identification number. Use the six-digit
required to remit by EFT to participate voluntarily in our EFT
principal business activity code derived from the North American
Industry Classification System (NAICS), as reported on your
federal (Form 990-T) income tax return. You can find a listing of
Note: Taxpayers remitting by EFT should not file quarterly IT-6
these codes online at
coupons. The amounts are reconciled when filing the annual
income tax return.
Other Unrelated Business Activity numbers that might be
If the Indiana Department of Revenue notifies an organization of
Unrelated debt-financed activities (other than
its requirement to remit by EFT, the organization must:
rental or real estate)
1. Complete and submit the EFT Authorization Agreement
Investment Activities by Section 501(c) (7), (9), or
(Form EFT-1); and
(17) organizations
2. Begin remitting tax payments via EFT by the date/tax
Rental of tangible personal property
period specified by the Department.
Passive income activities with controlled
Failure to comply will result in a 10 percent penalty on each
Exploited exempt activities
quarterly estimated income tax liability not sent by EFT. Note:
Unclassified establishments (unable to classify)
The Indiana Code does not require the extension of time to
file payment or final payment due with the annual return to be
A condensed list is published as part of the Indiana Business Tax
paid by EFT. You must be certain to claim any EFT payment as
Application, Form BT-1. This form is available online at
an extension or estimated payment credit. Do not file a return
indicating an amount due if you have paid, or will pay, any
remaining balance by EFT.
If you determine you meet the requirements to remit by EFT,
contact the Department’s EFT Section, by calling (317) 232-5500.


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