Form It-20np - Nonprofit Organization Unrelated Business Income Tax Booklet - 2012 Page 20


For more information, including limitations and the application
Applications for the credit are filed through the IHCDA by using
process, get Income Tax Information Bulletin #97 at
Form IDA-10/20. You must enclose an approval Form IDA-20
with your return if claiming this credit.
To request additional information about the definitions,
Historic Building Rehabilitation Credit
procedures, and qualifications for obtaining this credit, contact:
A credit is available for the rehabilitation or preservation of
Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority, 30 S.
historic property that is listed on the Indiana Register of Historic
Meridian St., Suite 1000, Indianapolis, IN 46204, (317) 232-7777.
Sites and Structures, is at least 50 years old, and is income-
producing. The cost of certified rehabilitation or preservation
Industrial Recovery Credit
expenses must exceed $10,000. The credit is 20 percent of the
This credit is based on a taxpayer’s qualified investment in
qualified expenses. Any unused balance of the credit can be
a vacant industrial facility located in a designated industrial
carried forward for up to 15 years. A certification from the
recovery site. The IEDC approves the application for credit and
Division of Historic Preservation and Archaeology must be
the plan for rehabilitation. A lessee of property in an industrial
enclosed with your return.
recovery site may be assigned tax credits based on the owner’s or
developer’s qualified investment within the designated industrial
For additional information, visit the Department of Natural
recovery site. Note: Per IC 6-3.1-11-1, the minimum age for a
Resources website ( ) or call
facility to be eligible for this credit has been reduced from 20
(317) 232-1646. Also, get Income Tax Information Bulletin
years to 15.
#87 at
Get additional information regarding procedures for obtaining
Hoosier Business Investment Credit
this credit from the Indiana Economic Development Corporation,
This credit is for qualified investments, which include the
One North Capitol, Suite 700, Indianapolis, IN 46204. You can
purchase of new telecommunications, production, manufacturing,
also call them at (317) 232-8827 or visit
fabrication, processing, refining, and finishing equipment, that are
directly related to expanding the workforce in Indiana. Qualified
Maternity Home Credit
investments also include onsite infrastructure improvements,
A credit is allowed for maternity home owners who provide a
construction costs, the cost of retooling existing machinery and
temporary residence to at least one unrelated pregnant woman for
equipment, and costs associated with special purpose buildings
at least 60 consecutive days during her pregnancy. If more than
and foundations. They do not include property that can be readily
one entity has an ownership interest in a maternity home, each
moved out of Indiana.
can claim the credit in proportion to its ownership interest. The
maternity home owner must file an application annually with the
This credit is administered by the Indiana Economic Development
State Department of Health to be eligible to claim this credit.
Corporation at One North Capitol, Suite 700, Indianapolis, IN
46204. Visit their website at or call them at
Note: Per IC 6-3.1-14-9, this credit will not be awarded for tax
(317) 233-3638 for additional information. Also, get Income Tax
years that begin after Dec. 31, 2011. In addition, any credits
Information Bulletin #95 at
previously awarded may not be carried forward during tax years
2012 and 2013. However, they can be carried forward during 2014
Indiana Research Expense Credit
and 2015.
Indiana has a research expense credit similar to the federal credit
(Form 6765) for increasing research activities for qualifying
You must enclose a copy of the approved application with your tax
expenses paid in carrying on a trade or business in Indiana.
return before the credit can be taken. Contact the Maternal and
Compute the credit using Schedule IT-20REC, available at
Child Health Division, 2 N. Meridian St., 3rd Floor, Indianapolis,
You must complete this form and
IN 46204, or call them at (317) 233-1253 to obtain an application
enclose a copy of it to claim this credit. For more information,
and more information about this credit.
contact the Department at
Military Base Investment Cost Credit
Individual Development Account Credit
This credit is available to taxpayers who provide a qualified
A credit is available for contributions made to a community
investment in a business located in a current or former military
development corporation participating in an Individual
base, a military base reuse area, an economic development area, a
Development Account (IDA) program. The IDA program
military base recovery site, or a military base enhancement area.
is designed to assist qualifying low-income residents in
The amount of the credit depends on the type of business, the
accumulating savings and building personal finance skills. The
number of jobs created, and the amount of the investment.
organization must have an approved program number from
the Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority
A taxpayer making a qualified investment in a business located in
(IHCDA) before a contribution qualifies for preapproval. The
a county where the Crane military base is located is also eligible
credit is equal to 50 percent of the contribution, which must be
for the military base investment cost tax credit. A military base
between $100 and $50,000.
enhancement area is extended to comprise portions of three


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