Solids And Liquids Fact Sheet Page 2


dissolve – when a solid becomes part of a liquid
solid – one of the three states of matter. Solids
keep their shape. Ice is the solid state of water.
filter – to separate fine solid particles from a liquid
soluble – when a solid dissolves in water it is said
freeze – to change from a liquid into a solid
to be soluble - opposite - insoluble
gas – one of the three states of matter. Gases fill
solution – a liquid that has a solid dissolved in it
all available space. Water vapour is a gas.
state – All matter exists in one of three states –
liquid – one of the three states of matter. Liquids
solid, liquid and gas
pour and take on the shape of the container.
suspension – a liquid containing tiny particles of
solid that mix with the liquid but do not dissolve
melt – to change from a solid into a liquid
powder – a solid made up of very small particles
sieve – to separate coarse solid particles from a


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