Spiritual Multiplication Depth Chart


Prayer • Depth Chart
Interceding for the People in Your Life
Activity: Why intercede? And how did St. Paul do it?
Take 3 minutes and share with the person next to you about why we should intercede for the people in our lives? Talk about how
you would intercede differently for people in different spiritual stages based on what you learned from St. Paul?
Use the space below to capture what you have learned:
Activity: Building a Spiritual Multiplication Depth Chart
Use the Spiritual Multiplication Depth Chart on the Next Page and start to fill in the spiritual stages with the names of people that
God has placed in your life in the past two months (i.e. friends, family members, classmates, etc…) Use these questions to help you
think of people:
• Who have you yet to share the Gospel with and invite into Christ Mission? (New or Meaningful Contact)
• Who needs to actively engage in Christ’s mission? (Beginning or Growing Disciple)
• Who is striving to make disciples of Christ? (Commissioned Disciple)
• Who is engaging in the work of evangelization and discipleship right now with a lifetime vision for discipleship? (Disciple-
makers/Spiritual Multipliers)
How would you pray for people differently in different stages of spiritual development?


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