Contract For Simple Home Repairs Form Page 3


5. License Status and Number
Contractor shall comply with all state and local licensing and registration requirements for type of
activity involved in the specified work.
(Check one line and provide description)
__ Contractor's state license or registration is for the following type of work and carries the following
__ Contractor's local license or registration is for the following type of work and carries the followinf
__ Contractor is not required to have a license or registration for the specified work, for the following
6. Liability Waiver
If Contractor is injured in the course of performing the specified work, Homeowner shall be
exempt from liability for those injuries to the fullest extent allowed by law.
7. Permits and Approvals
(Check the appropriate lines)
__ Contractor __ Homeowner shall be respnsible for determining which permits are necessary and
for obtaining the permits.
__ Contractor __ Homeowner shall pay for all state and local permits necessary for performing the
specified work.
__ Contractor
__ Homeowner shall be responsible for obtaining approval from the local
homeowner's association, if required.
8. Additional Agreements and Amendments
a. Homeowner and Contractor additionally agree that:
b. All agreements between Homeowner and Contractor related to the specified work are
incorporated in this contract. Any modifications to the contract shall be in writing.


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