Instructions For 2013 Alaska Fisheries Business Tax Annual Return Page 2


business. Include the resource owner’s name and fisheries
Bonus or Other Additional Payments to Fishermen
business license number.
To report bonus or additional payments made to fishermen,
check the bonus box near the top of the return and include
Schedule 7 – Sold Unprocessed in Alaska or Under
the month and year of payment. Complete and submit
Exclusion (AS 43.75.017)
the entire tax return, including processing activity and credit
Use this schedule to report all fisheries resources sold
schedules (if applicable), using the corrected amounts.
unprocessed in Alaska by your company. Include the name
The bonus return and additional tax are due no later than
and address of the purchaser.
the last day of the month following the month in which the
payments were made. If you make bonus payments before
Use this schedule to also report fisheries resources you
filing your original fisheries business tax return, include
caught and sold to a licensed fisheries business that were
those payments as part of the values reported on your
not processed beyond heading, gutting, cleaning, freezing
original tax return.
and glazing. Check the .017 box and include the buyer’s
name and fisheries business license number.
The Alaska Fisheries Business Tax Return includes a
separate schedule for each processing activity. The forms
The fisheries business tax is shared to organized boroughs
required depend on your business activities. Refer to
and incorporated cities in Alaska. Each processing area or
the following schedule descriptions to determine which
incorporated city has an assigned code. A directory of maps
schedules you must complete with your return.
is included in the Alaska Fisheries Processing Location
Code Maps and Directory at
Schedule 1 – Caught and Processed
Use this schedule to report fisheries resources your company
If fisheries resources were:
caught and processed. Use the processing location code
• Processed within the city limits of an incorporated city in
assigned to the area where the processing took place.
Alaska, use the location code of the incorporated city.
Schedule 2 – Purchased and Processed
• Processed in an area that is not within the city limits of an
Use this schedule to report fisheries resources your company
incorporated city, use the location code for the area.
purchased and processed. Include fisheries resources that
were purchased from fishermen claiming exclusion from the
• Exported unprocessed outside of Alaska, use location
fisheries business tax. Use the processing location code
code 8888.
assigned to the area where the processing took place.
Enter one location code in the assigned block for each
completed line entry. If you processed the same species
Schedule 3 – Transported Unprocessed
in more than one of the coded areas or incorporated cities,
Use this schedule to report fisheries resources transported
use a separate line for each location. Note: your return is
unprocessed outside the taxing jurisdiction of Alaska. You
incomplete if you leave out the processing location code.
must include the city and state of the purchaser for each
fisheries resource transported unprocessed.
Schedule 4 – Custom Processed by Others
(FORM 578)
Use this schedule to report fisheries resources that were
The seafood marketing assessment is computed on the
custom processed for your company by another licensed
aggregate value of all seafood resources. If you have one
fisheries business in Alaska. Include the name and fisheries
or more fisheries business licenses (applied for under the
business license number of the custom processor. Use the
same EIN/SSN), you are required to file a single seafood
processing location code assigned to the area where the
marketing assessment return for the aggregate total value
processing took place.
from all your fisheries business tax returns. Only persons
or businesses that produce $50,000 or more in value of
Schedule 5 – Custom Processed by/for Unlicensed
seafood resources in Alaska must file this return and pay
this tax.
Use this schedule to report fisheries resources: a) that were
custom processed for your company by an unlicensed
Amended Returns
processor, or b) that your company custom processed for
To correct a previously filed Alaska Seafood Marketing
someone not licensed as a fisheries business in Alaska.
Assessment return, check the amended box near the top of
Include the unlicensed person’s name and address. Use
the return and attach a statement explaining the reason for
the processing location code assigned to the area where
the amendment. Complete the return using the corrected
the processing took place.
Schedule 6 – Custom Processor Information
Bonus or Other Additional Payments to Fishermen
Use this schedule to report fisheries resources your
To report bonus or additional payments made to fishermen,
company custom processed for another licensed fisheries
check the bonus box near the top of the return. Complete
and submit the form using the corrected amounts. Bonus
0405-574i Rev 12/19/13 - page 2


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