Instructions for Recipient
This statement is provided to you because you received
Box 2. Shows the total number of months you received
Health Coverage Tax Credit (HCTC) advance payments
HCTC payments.
of your health coverage insurance premiums. These
Boxes 3 through 14. Shows the amount of HCTC
advance payments were forwarded directly to your
advance payments paid for you for each month. The
health insurance provider. You are qualified to receive
total of the amounts shown in these boxes equals the
advance payments if you were an eligible trade
amount shown in box 1.
adjustment assistance (TAA), Alternative TAA,
Future Developments
Reemployment TAA recipient, or a Pension Benefit
For the latest information about developments related to
Guaranty Corporation (PBGC) pension payee. See Form
Form 1099-H and its instructions, such as legislation
8885, Health Coverage Tax Credit, and its instructions
enacted after they were published, go to
for more details on qualified recipients and how to figure
any credit that you may be able to take on your Form
1040, 1040NR, 1040-SS, or 1040-PR.
Box 1. Shows the total amount of HCTC advance
payments of qualified health insurance costs that were
made on your behalf.