Form Ar1023ct - Application For Income Tax Exempt Status - Arkansas Corporate Income Tax Page 2

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Activities and Operational Information
1 Provide a detailed narrative description of all the activities of the organization - past, present and planned. Do not merely refer to or repeat the lan-
guage in your organizational document. Describe each activity separately in the order of importance. Each description should include, as a minimum,
the following: (a) a detailed description of the activity including its purpose; (b) when the activity was or will be initiated; and (c) when and by whom
the activity will be conducted.
2 Will any of the organization’s income be credited to surplus or inure to the benefit of any private stockholder or individual?
(If yes, explain below.)
3 What are or will be the organization’s sources of financial support? List in order of size.
4 Describe the organization’s fundraising program, both actual and planned, and explain to what extent it has been put into effect. Include details of
fundraising activities such as selective mailings, formation of fundraising committees, use of volunteers or professional fundraisers, etc. Attach
representative copies of solicitations for financial support.
5 Attach a copy of the latest financial statement showing the assets, liabilities, receipts and disbursements of the organization.
Note: If the above spaces are insufficient for response, you may attach additional pages as necessary.


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