Form Mf-209 - Certificate Of Fuel Tax Exemption Exempt Sales Of Gasoline And Undyed Diesel Fuel Page 2

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Wisconsin law allows a tax credit or refund to persons
• Effective Date - enter date exemption first applies.
Must be on or after date signed by both the customer
who sell tax-paid gasoline and/or undyed diesel
fuel for exempt use. Fuel suppliers who are licensed
and supplier.
with the department may claim a deduction for exempt
sales on their monthly motor vehicle fuel tax reports.
• Expiration Date - Enter the expiration date. This
Nonlicensed suppliers must file a refund claim (MF-
certificate is valid for a maximum of 1-year from the
012) with the department to receive a refund of the
effective date unless cancelled by the customer or
motor vehicle fuel tax they pay when purchasing the
the Wisconsin Department of Revenue.
fuel for resale.
For a licensed supplier or a nonlicensed supplier to
You can access the department’s web site, at www.
make exempt sales to customers, suppliers must From this web site, you can:
obtain an exemption certificate from customers at-
testing to the exempt use of the fuel purchased. If
• Complete electronic fill-in forms
a customer makes exempt purchases from more
• Download forms, schedules, instructions, and
than one supplier, the customer must execute an
exemption certificate with each supplier. Suppliers
• View answers to commonly asked questions
and customers must retain copies of executed ex-
• E-mail us for assistance
emption certificates in their records. DO NOT SEND
• Access My Tax Account
copies of exemption certificates to the department
unless requested.
Madison Office Location
2135 Rimrock Road
Gasoline may be sold tax-exempt for off-road use
Madison WI 53713
(for example: farming, construction, logging). How-
ever, undyed diesel fuel must be sold tax-included.
Mailing Address
Purchasers of this fuel may file a claim for refund
Excise Tax Section 6-107
of the fuel tax relating to their off-road use with the
Wisconsin Department of Revenue
PO Box 8900
Madison WI 53708-8900
Claims should be filed electronically using Form MF-
001 located at:
Phone: (608) 266-3223 or (608) 266-0064
Fax: (608) 264-7049
motorfuel.html. Forms are also available at www.
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