Form 13324 - Internal Revenue Service Civil Rights Assurance For Sub-Recipients Under Spec Partnership Agreements Page 2

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Partners or sub-recipients receiving Federal financial assistance in the form of
personal property or real property or interest therein shall be obligated to comply
with this assurance for the period during which the property is used for a
purpose for which the Federal financial assistance is extended. Partners and
sub-recipients receiving Federal financial assistance in a form other than
personal property or real property or interest therein shall be obligated to comply
with this assurance for a period of one filing season. If the authorized official has
changed during the effective one year filing season, another signed and dated
assurance will be required by the new authorized official and submitted to the
IRS External Civil Rights Unit at the above address.
The “Sub-recipient” shall notify its “Partner” that the “Sub-recipient” is conducting
a complaint investigation and a copy of the investigative report will be forwarded
to the “Partner” for record keeping purposes. This “Sub-recipient” agrees that
compliance with this assurance constitutes a condition for continued receipt of
Federal financial assistance and is binding on the “Sub-recipient”, its
successors, transferees, and assignees.
The organizational official whose signature appears below is authorized to sign
this assurance and commit the “Sub-recipient” to the above provisions.
(Please Print)
13324 Page 2
Catalog Number 34841F
(Rev. 8-2007)


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