Form 8880 - Credit For Qualified Retirement Savings Contributions - 2014 Page 2

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Form 8880 (2014)
General Instructions
Line 4
Enter the total amount of distributions you, and your spouse if filing
Section references are to the Internal Revenue Code.
jointly, received after 2011 and before the due date of your 2014
Future Developments
return (including extensions) from any of the following types of
For the latest information about developments related to Form 8880
• Traditional or Roth IRAs.
and its instructions, such as legislation enacted after they were
• 401(k), 403(b), governmental 457, 501(c)(18)(D), SEP, or SIMPLE
published, go to
Purpose of Form
• Qualified retirement plans as defined in section 4974(c) (including
the federal Thrift Savings Plan).
Use Form 8880 to figure the amount, if any, of your retirement
savings contributions credit (also known as the saver’s credit).
Do not include any:
This credit can be claimed in addition to any IRA
• Distributions not taxable as the result of a rollover or a trustee-to-
deduction claimed on Form 1040, line 32; Form 1040A,
trustee transfer.
line 17; or Form 1040NR, line 32.
• Distributions that are taxable as the result of an in-plan rollover to
your designated Roth account.
Who Can Take This Credit
• Distributions from your eligible retirement plan (other than a Roth
IRA) rolled over or converted to your Roth IRA.
You may be able to take this credit if you, or your spouse if filing
jointly, made (a) contributions (other than rollover contributions) to a
• Loans from a qualified employer plan treated as a distribution.
traditional or Roth IRA, (b) elective deferrals to a 401(k), 403(b),
• Distributions of excess contributions or deferrals (and income
governmental 457, SEP, or SIMPLE plan, (c) voluntary employee
allocable to such contributions or deferrals).
contributions to a qualified retirement plan as defined in section
4974(c) (including the federal Thrift Savings Plan), or (d)
• Distributions of contributions made to an IRA during a tax year
contributions to a 501(c)(18)(D) plan.
and returned (with any income allocable to such contributions) on or
before the due date (including extensions) for that tax year.
However, you cannot take the credit if either of the following
• Distributions of dividends paid on stock held by an employee
stock ownership plan under section 404(k).
• The amount on Form 1040, line 38; Form 1040A, line 22; or Form
1040NR, line 37, is more than $30,000 ($45,000 if head of
• Distributions from a military retirement plan.
household; $60,000 if married filing jointly).
• Distributions from an inherited IRA by a nonspousal beneficiary.
• The person(s) who made the qualified contribution or elective
If you are filing a joint return, include both spouses’ amounts in
deferral (a) was born after January 1, 1997, (b) is claimed as a
both columns.
dependent on someone else’s 2014 tax return, or (c) was a student.
Exception. Do not include your spouse’s distributions with yours
You will need to refigure the amount on Form 1040, line
when entering an amount on line 4 if you and your spouse did not
38, if you are filing Form 2555, 2555-EZ, or 4563 or you
file a joint return for the year the distribution was received.
are excluding income from Puerto Rico. See Pub. 590-A
Example. You received a distribution of $5,000 from a qualified
for details.
retirement plan in 2014. Your spouse received a distribution of
You were a student if during any part of 5 calendar months of
$2,000 from a Roth IRA in 2012. You and your spouse file a joint
2014 you:
return in 2014, but did not file a joint return in 2012. You would
• Were enrolled as a full-time student at a school, or
include $5,000 in column (a) and $7,000 in column (b).
• Took a full-time, on-farm training course given by a school or a
Line 7
state, county, or local government agency.
Add the amounts from line 6 columns (a) and (b), and enter the total.
A school includes technical, trade, and mechanical schools. It
does not include on-the-job training courses, correspondence
Line 11
schools, or schools offering courses only through the Internet.
Before you complete the following worksheet, figure the amount of
any credit for the elderly or the disabled you are claiming on Form
Specific Instructions
1040, line 54. See Schedule R (Form 1040A or 1040) to figure the
Column (b)
Credit Limit Worksheet
Complete column (b) only if you are filing a joint return.
Complete this worksheet to figure the amount to enter on line 11.
Line 2
1. Enter the amount from Form 1040, line 47;
Include on line 2 any of the following amounts.
Form 1040A, line 30; Form 1040NR, line 45
• Elective deferrals to a 401(k) or 403(b) plan (including designated
2. Form 1040 filers: Enter the total of your
Roth contributions under section 402A), or to a governmental 457,
credits from lines 48 through 50 and Schedule
SEP, or SIMPLE plan.
R, line 22.
• Voluntary employee contributions to a qualified retirement plan as
Form 1040A filers: Enter the total of your
defined in section 4974(c) (including the federal Thrift Savings Plan).
credits from lines 31 through 33.
• Contributions to a 501(c)(18)(D) plan.
Form 1040NR filers: Enter the total of your
These amounts may be shown in box 12 of your Form(s) W-2 for
credits from lines 46 and 47
Note. Contributions designated under section 414(h)(2) are treated
3. Subtract line 2 from line 1. Also enter this
as employer contributions and as such they are not voluntary
amount on Form 8880, line 11. But if zero or
contributions made by the employee. They do not qualify for the
less, stop; you cannot take the credit—do not
credit and should not be included on line 2.
file this form


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