Form 4595 - Michigan Business Tax Renaissance Zone Credit Schedule - 2012 Page 4


Compiled Law (MCL) 211.7ff. Claim property exempt in
Include this form as part of the UBG’s combined annual return.
the tax year; also claim new property that will be exempt
If more than one member is eligible for this credit, complete
one Form 4595 for each eligible member (or multiple forms for
in the immediately following tax year (i.e., property that
a member that is located and has business activity in multiple
has not been subject to, or exempt from, the collection of
taxes under the General Property Tax Act and has not been
Zones) and include all of them as part of the UBG’s annual
return. If filing multiples of Form 4595, enter the total of line
subject to, or exempt from, ad valorem property taxes levied
25b for all members on Form 4573, line 14.
in another state, except that receiving an exemption as
inventory property does not disqualify property).
When this form refers to “taxpayer,” it is referring to the UBG
Line 19: Only a person reporting under an MBT organization
member completing this form.
type of Individual, Partnership, or S Corporation should
Line-by-Line Instructions
complete line 19. This includes a Limited Liability Company
(LLC) that files its federal return as a Partnership or S
Lines not listed are explained on the form.
Name and Account Number: Enter name and account number
NOTE: A person that is a disregarded entity for federal tax
as reported on page 1 of the annual return.
purposes, including a single member LLC or Q-Sub, must file
as if it were a sole proprietorship if owned by an individual, or a
UBGs: Complete one form for each member for whom this
branch or division if owned by another business entity. However,
schedule applies (or multiple forms for a member that is located
a person that is disregarded for federal income tax purposes and
and has business activity in more than one Zone). Enter the
that has already filed separately for its 2010 MBT tax year in either
Designated Member (DM) name in the Taxpayer Name field,
an original MBT return prior to January 1, 2012, or in an amended
followed by the DM’s Federal Employer Identification Number
MBT return prior to December 1, 2011, may also file separately for
(FEIN), and the specific member of the UBG for which this
its 2011 MBT tax year. A federally disregarded entity that files as
form is filed, and its FEIN, on the line below. On the copy filed
a distinct entity is classified for MBT purposes according to the
to report the DM’s data (if applicable), enter the DM’s name
federal tax classification of its owner. For additional information,
and account number on each line.
see “Changes for Disregarded Entities” in the “Important
Line 1: Enter the tax liability before the Renaissance Zone
Information” section of the MBT Forms and Instructions for
Standard Taxpayers (Form 4600).
Line 19a: UBGs: Enter the business income from the MBT
UBGs: This must be a pro forma tax liability of the member
whose activity is represented on the form. See guidance on
UBG Combined Filing Schedule for Standard Members,
Form 4580, Part 2A, line 30, for the member whose activity is
pro forma calculations in the “Supplemental Instructions for
Standard Members in UBGs” section in the MBT Forms and
reported on this copy of Form 4595.
Instructions for Standard Taxpayers (Form 4600).
Insurance companies and financial institutions: These types
Line 2: Enter the street address and parcel number of the
of taxpayers do not calculate business income as their tax base.
property. Enter the name of the Zone or Subzone in which the
For Renaissance Zone credit purposes, however, they must
property is included.
calculate and enter here pro forma business income. Use the
Check the certificated credit box if the Renaissance Zone
Business Income Worksheet (Worksheet 4746), in Form 4600,
to calculate business income. Attach that worksheet to the
designation is based on a Development Agreement or a
return. See MCL 208.1201 for further guidance.
Qualified Collaboration Agreement.
Line 19b: UBGs: Enter the pro forma apportionment
percentage from Form 4580, Part 2A, line 16a, for the member
whose activity is reported on this copy of Form 4595.
Line 3: Determine the average value of property by averaging
Insurance companies and financial institutions: Unlike
the values at the start and end of the tax period. The State
standard taxpayers, these types of taxpayers do not apportion
Treasurer may require the periodic averaging of values during
the tax year if reasonably required to reflect properly the
their tax base by a sales factor. For Renaissance Zone credit
purposes, however, they must calculate pro forma sales in
average value of a taxpayer’s property. Property owned by the
Michigan and sales everywhere, and enter here a pro forma
taxpayer is valued at its original cost.
apportionment percentage based on those figures. See
Line 4: Property rented by the taxpayer is valued at eight (8)
instructions for Form 4567 for guidance on the definition of
times the net annual rental rate. Net annual rental rate is the
sales and applicable sourcing provisions.
annual rental rate paid by the taxpayer less any annual rental
Line 20: Enter amount from line 18, or, if the taxpayer is an
rate received by the taxpayer from subrentals.
Individual, Partnership, S Corporation, or an LLC federally taxed
as a Partnership or S Corporation, enter amount from line 19e.
Line 17: Enter the amount deducted in arriving at federal
taxable income (as defined for MBT purposes) for the tax
For a person located in the Zone before December 31, 2002,
year for depreciation, amortization, or accelerated write-
that had no credit or no Michigan payroll in 2007, line 23 will
off for tangible property in a Zone exempt under Michigan


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