Form 4595 - Michigan Business Tax Renaissance Zone Credit Schedule - 2012 Page 3


Instructions for Form 4595
Michigan Business Tax (MBT) Renaissance Zone Credit Schedule
Taxpayer may elect to continue under the MBT on the basis of
this certificated renaissance zone credit.
To allow eligible taxpayers to calculate and claim the
ExamplE 2: Taxpayer located and began conducting business
Renaissance Zone Credit. For standard taxpayers and financial
in a designated renaissance zone on January 1, 2011; however,
institutions, the credit is calculated on Form 4595 and then
the renaissance zone does not qualify as a certificated credit for
carried to the MBT Miscellaneous Nonrefundable Credits
purposes of the MBT election (see list above). The taxpayer also
(Form 4573). Insurance companies will carry this credit to the
holds a certificated anchor company credit. Taxpayer may make
Miscellaneous Credits for Insurance Companies (Form 4596).
the election to remain taxable under the MBT on the basis of its
certificated anchor company credit and continue to claim the
NOTE: If a person is located and has business activity in
more than one Renaissance Zone, use a separate Form 4595 to
renaissance zone credit once it has properly elected the MBT.
calculate the credit for each Zone. For each line that requires
To obtain the credit an otherwise qualified taxpayer must file
Zone-specific data, enter data based only on business activity
an MBT annual return. The credit is equal to the lesser of the
in the Zone identified on line 2 of this copy of the form.
Fiscal Year Filers: See “Supplemental Instructions for
• The tax liability attributable to business activity conducted
Standard Fiscal MBT Filers” in the MBT Forms and
within the Renaissance Zone in the tax year.
Instructions for Standard Taxpayers (Form 4600).
• 10 percent of adjusted services performed in the designated
Renaissance Zone Credit
Renaissance Zone.
• For a taxpayer located and conducting business activity in
The Renaissance Zone Credit encourages businesses and
the Renaissance Zone before December 31, 2002, the product
individuals to move into a designated Zone to help revitalize
of the following:
the area by providing a credit for businesses located and
○ The Single Business Tax (SBT) Renaissance Zone
conducting business activity within the Zone. The method of
calculating the credit is different for businesses first locating
Credit claimed for the tax year ending in 2007.
and conducting business activity within the Renaissance Zone
○ The ratio of the taxpayer’s payroll in this State in the
before December 31, 2002, and those businesses first locating
tax year divided by the taxpayer’s payroll in this State in
and conducting business activity within the Renaissance Zone
its SBT tax year ending in 2007.
after December 30, 2002.
○ The ratio of the taxpayer’s Renaissance Zone Business
Use this form to calculate both a certificated and non-
Activity Factor for the tax year divided by the taxpayer’s
certificated renaissance zone credit. Check the certificated
Renaissance Zone Business Activity Factor for its SBT tax
credit box if the credit being calculated is a certificated
year ending in 2007.
renaissance zone credit. File a separate Form 4595 for each
The credit allowed continues through the tax year in which the
zone and type (certificated or non-certificated) of credit.
Renaissance Zone designation expires and is nonrefundable.
Beginning January 1, 2012, only those taxpayers with a
Business activities relating to a casino, including operating
certificated credit, which is awarded but not yet fully claimed
a parking lot, hotel, motel, or retail store, cannot be used to
or utilized, may elect to be MBT taxpayers. A taxpayer with
calculate this credit. Businesses delinquent in filing or paying
a certificated renaissance zone credit may make the election
Property Tax, SBT, MBT or City Income Tax as of December
to remain taxable under the MBT for its first tax year ending
31 of the prior tax year are not eligible for this credit. Taxpayers
after December 31, 2011. The certificated renaissance zone
will be notified if a claimed credit is disallowed.
credits are the agricultural processing, border crossing, forest
products processing, Michigan strategic fund designated and
For more information on Renaissance Zones, contact
renewable energy renaissance zones for which a taxpayer has
a development agreement with the Michigan Strategic Fund
(MEDC) at (517) 373-9808 or visit their Web site at
(MSF) before January 1, 2012, and the tool and die renaissance
For information on the
zones for which the taxpayer has entered into a qualified
MBT credit, contact the Michigan Department of Treasury,
collaborative agreement with the MSF before January 1, 2012.
Customer Contact Division, MBT Unit, at (517) 636-6925.
A taxpayer located in a designated renaissance zone that does
Special Instructions for Unitary Business Groups
not have a certificated renaissance zone credit but which makes
the election to remain taxable under the MBT on the basis
If the entity located and conducting business activity in the
of another certificated credit may also claim this credit. For
Renaissance Zone is a member of a Unitary Business Group
more information on certificated credits see the Schedule of
(UBG), the Renaissance Zone Credit must be calculated at
Certificated Credits (Form 4947).
the member entity level. Calculation of the Renaissance Zone
ExamplE 1: Taxpayer enters into a qualified collaborative
Credit should be done before elimination of intercompany
transactions, such as rent payments by the member claiming
agreement with the MSF and locates and begins conducting
business in a tool and die renaissance zone on January 1, 2011.
this credit to another member of the UBG.


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