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Pursuant to Chapter 90 of the Pennsylvania Vehicle Code, the Liquid Fuels and Fuels Tax Act requires
an alternative fuel dealer-user to pay tax on alternative fuels whenever such fuels are placed into the
supply tank of an alternative fuel vehicle in Pennsylvania for use on a public highway. Alternative
fuels are taxed on a gallon-equivalent basis. Applicable definitions include:
Alternative Fuel is any fuel other than liquid fuels (gasoline or gasohol), fuels (undyed diesel or
kerosene) or aviation fuel (aviation gasoline or jet fuel), determined by the Department to be
an alternative fuel.
Alternative fuel dealer-user is anyone who delivers or places alternative fuel into the fuel supply
tank of an alternative fuel vehicle in Pennsylvania for use on a public highway.
Gallon-equivalent basis is the amount of any alternative fuel containing 114,500 BTU’s as
determined by the Department. Such fuel shall be taxed at the rate of the Commonwealth’s Liquid
Fuels and Fuels Tax and the Oil Company Franchise Tax. The tax is imposed on an adjusted rate basis
using a BTU conversion.
Conversion Factors – The conversion factors shown below must be used to convert the unit of
measure indicated to a liquid gallon basis.
CNG in standard cubic feet (scf.) to gallons:
Multiply CNG (scf.) units by .0314 to convert to liquid gallons.
CNG in pounds (lbs.) to gallons:
Multiply CNG (lbs.) units by .7087 to convert to liquid gallons.
To determine tax due, except for electricity, multiply the liquid gallons by the tax rate shown. For
electricity, simply multiply kilowatt hours used by $.0093. If the report and payment are
submitted by the due date, a discount, calculated as follows, may be applied:
on Amount Due up to $50,000;
on Amount Due of $50,000.01 to $75,000;
on Amount Due of $75,000.01 to $100,000; and
on Amount Due in excess of $100,000.
To Prepay Tax: The tax due on any alternative fuel may be prepaid. To prepay tax on an alternative fuel,
provide a letter stating the alternative fuel(s) on which estimated tax is being calculated, and the period for
which the tax is being prepaid (i.e. quarterly, semiannual or annual). For those prepaying on an annual
basis, the period should be a calendar year. To determine the tax due, except for electricity, multiply the
estimated liquid gallons by the tax rate(s) shown to arrive at the estimated tax. If tax is being estimated on
a fuel not shown on the front of this form, provide an explanatory letter indicating the fuel type, the BTU
content of the alternative fuel and other data as necessary to support the estimated tax reported. Complete
the line for “Other”.
For electric powered vehicles - Estimate total annual miles and divide by the manufacturer’s suggested
kilowatt/mile usage factor, or actual kilowatt/miles usage factor (if known), to arrive at estimated
kilowatts/hours. Multiply the kilowatt hours estimated by the tax rate shown to determine the estimated
tax. Forward the return and payment as otherwise instructed.
Sign, date and mail the report to the PA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE, BUREAU OF MOTOR FUEL
TAXES, PO BOX 280646, HARRISBURG, PA 17128-0646.
The Alternative Fuels Tax Report (DMF-77, DMF-78, DMF-79, DMF-81, DMF-84, DMF-89, DMF-91 or
DMF-94) may be reproduced and used for subsequent reporting. Please feel free to copy this form.
In January, the Department will mail a one year supply of applicable Alternative Fuels Tax Report forms
to each alternative fuel dealer user.
Questions regarding this form or the taxation of alternative fuels should be forwarded to the above
address or by telephone at (717) 705-5458.


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