Form 720 41a720 - Kentucky Corporation Income Tax And Llet Return - 2012 Page 3


Form 720 (2012)
Page 3
Commonwealth of Kentucky
8. Did the corporation at any time during the taxable year do
IMPORTANT: Questions 4—15 must be completed by all corporations.
business in Kentucky and own 80 percent or more of the voting
If this is the corporation’s initial return or if the corporation did not
stock of another corporation doing business in Kentucky?
file a return under the same name and same federal I.D. number for
 Yes  No. If yes, list name, address and federal I.D. number
the preceding year, questions 1, 2 and 3 must be answered. Failure
of each entity. _____________________________________________
to do so may result in a request for a delinquent return.
1. Indicate whether: (a)  new business; (b)  successor
to previously existing business which was organized as:
9. Was 80 percent or more of the corporation's voting stock owned
(1)  corporation; (2)  partnership; (3)  sole proprietorship;
by any corporation doing business in Kentucky at any time of the
or (4)  other ____________________________________________
year?  Yes  No. If yes, list name, address and federal I.D.
If successor to previously existing business, give name,
number of each entity. _____________________________________
address and federal I.D. number of the previous business
organization. ____________________________________________
10. The federal tax return attached to this Kentucky tax return is:
 a pro forma federal tax return  a copy of the federal tax
2. List the following Kentucky account numbers. Enter N/A for
any number not applicable.
return filed with the Internal Revenue Service
Employer Withholding ___________________________________
11. Is the entity filing this Kentucky tax return or any entity included
Sales and Use Tax Permit ________________________________
in the tax return organized as a limited cooperative association
Consumer Use Tax ______________________________________
as provided by KRS Chapter 272A?  Yes  No. If yes, and
Unemployment Insurance ________________________________
this is a nexus consolidated return, enter each limited cooperative
Coal Severance and/or Processing Tax _____________________
association’s name, address and federal I.D. number included in
the return: __________________________________________________
3. If a foreign corporation, enter the date qualified to do business
12. Is the entity filing this Kentucky tax return or any entity included
in Kentucky. __ __ / __ __ / __ __
in this tax return organized as a statutory trust or a series
statutory trust as provided by KRS Chapter 386A?  Yes  No
4. The corporation’s books are in care of: (name and address)
If yes, is the entity filing this Kentucky tax return or any entity
included in this tax return a series within a statutory trust?
 Yes  No
If yes, for each series within a statutory trust, enter the name,
5. Are disregarded entities included in this return?
address and federal I.D. number of the statutory trust registered
 Yes  No. If yes, list name, address and federal I.D. number
with the Kentucky Secretary of State: _________________________
of each entity. ___________________________________________
13. Was this return prepared on: (a)  cash basis, (b)  accrual basis,
(c)  other _________________________________________________
6. Was the corporation a partner or member in a pass-through
14. Did the corporation file a Kentucky tangible personal property tax
entity doing business in Kentucky?   Yes   No. If yes,
return for January 1, 2013?  Yes  No
attach schedule listing name and federal I.D. number of the
pass-through entity(ies). __________________________________
15. Is the corporation currently under audit by the Internal Revenue
Service?  Yes  No
Was the corporation doing business in Kentucky other than
If yes, enter years under audit ________________________________
through its interest held in a pass-through entity doing business
If the Internal Revenue Service has made final and unappealable
in Kentucky?   Yes   No
adjustments to the corporation’s taxable income which have not
7. Are related party costs as defined in KRS 141.205(1)(l) included
been reported to the department, check here   and file an amended
in this return?   Yes   No. If yes, attach Schedule RPC,
return. See 2012 Kentucky Corporation Income Tax and LLET Return
Related Party Costs Disclosure Statement, and enter any related
instructions for information regarding amended returns. Attach a
party cost additions on Part III, Line 6.
copy of the final determination to each amended return.
OFFICER INFORMATION (Failure to Provide Requested Information May Result in a Penalty)
Attach a schedule listing the name, home address and Social Security number of the vice president, secretary and treasurer.
Has the attached officer information changed from the last return filed?
President’s Name
President’s Home Address
President’s Social Security Number
Date Became President
I, the undersigned, declare under the penalties of perjury, that I have examined this return, including all
May the DOR discuss this
accompanying schedules and statements, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, it is true, correct and
return with the preparer?
Signature of principal officer or chief accounting officer
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Name of person or firm preparing return


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