Form Rev-1026 - Information Concerning Motor Carriers Road Tax And International Fuel Tax Agreement Page 2


Exemption from Motor Carriers Road Tax and Decal/Cab Card Requirements (IFTA):
1. Exempt Operating Entities. The following entities operating qualified motor vehicles are exempt from
PA-MCRT/IFTA road taxes for any travel within this Commonwealth Additionally, such entities are not
required to carry PA-MCRT credentials if they travel exclusively in PA:
U.S. Government
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and its political subdivisions
Other states and their political subdivisions
Provincial governments and territories of Canada
Any motor carrier who first obtains authorization from the PA State Police to operate a specific
qualified motor vehicle in Pennsylvania for emergency repairs. The exemption is limited to trip
and return trip only.
PA rural electric cooperatives
Volunteer fire companies
Volunteer ambulance associations
Volunteer rescue squads
Non-profit non-public schools (K-12)
An unladen or towed motor vehicle or unladen trailer which enters this Commonwealth solely for
the purpose of securing repairs or reconditioning. The repair facility shall furnish to the motor
carrier a certificate to be carried by the vehicle operator while the vehicle is in Pennsylvania.
2. Regarding out-of-state travel requirements. Any carrier that operates a qualified motor vehicle in a
state outside of Pennsylvania may be required by the laws of such state to pay such state’s motor carri-
ers road tax. In such cases, all taxes will be reported and paid to Pennsylvania as its base state under
IFTA, and such qualified motor vehicles will be required to obtain a PA IFTA decal and IFTA license before
operating in the other state.
If you are required to register under PA-MCRT/IFTA and purchase decals, they will be mailed to you as soon
as your application is processed. Thereafter, you are required to report quarterly, even if no operations are
RECORDS: Carriers are required to maintain the following records for four years:
A. Mileage for each vehicle by jurisdiction
B. Fuel purchases for each vehicle by jurisdiction
C. Equipment lists of all qualifying vehicles
NOTE: In addition to maintaining original fuel and mileage documentation, carriers are encouraged to document
each trip utilizing trip sheets or an Individual Vehicle Mileage Record (IFTA-300).
The amount of fuel consumed in Pennsylvania or any other IFTA jurisdiction shall be equal to the taxable miles
traveled in each jurisdiction divided by the fleet miles per gallon. Miles traveled in PA by exempt entities list-
ed above are considered non taxable miles and should not be included in “PA Taxable Miles” on the IFTA
Quarterly Fuel Tax Schedule (IFTA-101).
Trip permits - Any motor carrier in lieu of purchasing decals for motor carriers road tax or IFTA may purchase
a trip permit which shall be valid for a period of five days at a cost of $50. Operations conducted under a trip
permit need not be reported.
Temporary permits - Any IFTA licensee in good standing with the PA Department of Revenue may request a
temporary permit from the Bureau of Motor and Alternative Fuel Taxes to operate a qualifying vehicle for a
30-day period without IFTA decals. Conditions under which a temporary permit will be issued are:
A. Decals were previously requested for additional vehicles and not received by the time the IFTA
licensee was required to operate; or
B. The IFTA licensee is presently applying for additional decals and must operate immediately.
In the case of (A) and (B) above, the Bureau of Motor and Alternative Fuel Taxes will provide the IFTA
licensee, for a fee of $5 per vehicle, with a facsimile transmission identifying the vehicles and the 30-day
period for which temporary operating privileges are being granted. The carrier must carry the temporary per-
mit in each such vehicle operated. Also, the carrier must include such operations in its quarterly report.
Bureau of Motor and Alternative Fuel Taxes
PO Box 280646 l Hbg, PA 17128-0646 l 800.482.4382 l


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