Instructions For Form 725 - Kentucky Single Member Llc Individually Owned Llet Return - 2013 Page 7


Item C—If Schedule CP is being filed, see Specific Instructions
Item E—Check applicable box to indicate whether the single
on page 8 of these instructions on what information should be
member is filing a composite return or a single return.
completed on Item C.
If Schedule CP is being filed, see Specific Instructions on page 8
If filing a Form 725, Kentucky Single Member LLC Individually
of these instructions on what information should be completed
Owned LLET Return, enter the following:
on Item E.
Federal Identification Number—Enter the federal identification
number, if the single member LLC has obtained this number.
Line 1—Enter the ordinary income (loss) adjusted to reflect
Social Security Number—Enter the single member individual’s
the differences in federal and Kentucky tax laws from the
Social Security number.
following schedules or forms: (i) Form 1040 for an individual;
Name and Address—Print or type the name of the single member
(ii) Form 1041 for an estate or trust; (iii) Form 1065 for a general
LLC as set forth in the Articles of Organization. For the address,
partnership; and (iv) Schedule(s) K-1. Attach Schedule C (Form
include the suite, room or other unit number after the street
1040), Schedule F (Form 1040), Schedule E (Form 1040), Form
address. If the U.S. Postal Service does not deliver mail to the
1065, Schedule(s) K-1 or other applicable forms or schedules to
street address and the single member LLC has a P.O. Box, show
the return. If any form or schedule contains activity of both the
the box number instead of the street address.
single member LLC and the individual, estate, trust or general
partnership, prepare a pro forma form or schedule which
Telephone Number—Enter the business telephone number of
contains only the activity of the single member LLC.
the member.
Line 2—Enter the net income (loss) from rental real estate
Kentucky Secretary of State Organization Number—Enter the
adjusted to reflect the differences in federal and Kentucky tax
single member LLC’s Organization Number with the Kentucky
laws from the following schedules or forms: (i) Form 1040 for
Secretary of State. To find the single member LLC’s organization
an individual; (ii) Form 1041 for an estate or trust; (iii) Form
number, go to and click on Search Businesses
1065 for a general partnership; and (iv) Schedule(s) K-1. Attach
under Online Business Services. This is NOT the same number
Schedule E (Form 1040), Form 4835, Form 1065, Schedule(s)
as the Kentucky Corporation/LLET Account Number in Section
K-1 or other applicable forms or schedules to the return. If any
A of Form 725.
form or schedule contains activity of both the single member
LLC and the individual, estate, trust or general partnership,
State and Date of Organization—Enter the entity’s state and
prepare a pro forma form or schedule which contains only the
date of organization.
activity of the single member LLC.
Principal Business Activity in KY—Enter the entity’s principal
Line 3—Enter the net income (loss) from other rental activities
business activity in Kentucky.
adjusted to reflect the differences in federal and Kentucky tax
North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS)—Enter
laws from the following schedules or forms: (i) Form 1040 for an
individual; (ii) Form 1041 for an estate or trust; (iii) Form 1065 for
your six–digit NAICS code. To view a complete listing of
NAICS codes, visit the United States Census Bureau at
a general partnership; and (iv) Schedule(s) K-1. Attach Schedule
C (Form 1040), Schedule E (Form 1040), Form 1065, Schedule(s)
K-1 or other applicable forms or schedules to the return. If any
Item D—Check the applicable boxes:
form or schedule contains activity of both the single member
LLC and the individual, estate, trust or general partnership,
(a) Qualified Investment Pass–through Entity—Check this
prepare a pro forma form or schedule which contains only the
box if the single member LLC is a qualified investment
activity of the single member LLC.
pass–through entity as provided by KRS 141.206(15).
Line 4—Enter the interest income earned by the single member
(b) Initial Return—Check this box if this is the single member
LLC (attach schedule).
LLC’s first time filing a single member LLC return in
Line 5—Enter the dividend income earned by the single member
(c) Final Return—This is the single member LLC’s final
LLC (attach schedule).
Kentucky tax return. Check the appropriate box in Part IV
– Explanation of Final Return and/or Short-Period Return.
Line 6—Enter the royalty income (loss) adjusted to reflect
(d) Amended Return—This is an amended tax return. Provide
the differences in federal and Kentucky tax laws from the
an explanation of all changes in Part V – Explanation of
following schedules or forms: (i) Form 1040 for an individual;
Amended Return Changes.
(ii) Form 1041 for an estate or trust; (iii) Form 1065 for a general
(e) Change of Name—Check this box if the single member LLC
partnership; and (iv) Schedule(s) K-1. Attach Schedule C (Form
has changed its name.
1040), Schedule E (Form 1040), Form 1065, Schedule(s) K-1 or
Short-period Return—This return is for a period of less than
other applicable forms or schedules to the return. If any form or
one year and not an initial return or final return. Check the
schedule contains activity of both the single member LLC and
appropriate box in Part IV – Explanation of Final Return and/
the individual, estate, trust or general partnership, prepare a
or Short-Period Return.
pro forma form or schedule which contains only the activity of
(g) Change of Address—Check this box if the single member
the single member LLC.
LLC has changed its address.
(h) Change of Accounting Period—Check this box if the single
Line 7—Enter the short-term and long-term capital gains (losses)
member LLC has changed its accounting period. Attach a
adjusted to reflect the differences in federal and Kentucky tax
statement to the tax return showing the single member’s
laws from the following schedules or forms: (i) Form 1040 for
taxable year end before the change and its new taxable
an individual; (ii) Form 1041 for an estate or trust; (iii) Form
year end. If the single member received written approval
1065 for a general partnership; and (iv) Schedule(s) K-1. Attach
from the Internal Revenue Service to change its taxable
Schedule D (Form 1040), Schedule D (Form 1041), Schedule
year, attach a copy of the letter.
D (Form 1065), Schedule(s) K-1 or other applicable forms or


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