Instructions For Form 725 - Kentucky Single Member Llc Individually Owned Llet Return - 2013 Page 4


For taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2012, a pass-
Kentucky Nonresident Income Tax Withholding on Distributive
through entity required to withhold Kentucky income tax as
Share Income Report and Composite Income Tax Return. The
provided by KRS 141.206(5) shall make estimated tax payments
composite return box on the front of Form 740NP–WH must
if required by the provisions of KRS 141.206(6). If the pass-
be checked to indicate that it is a composite return, and a
through entity is required to make estimated tax payments for
Form PTE–WH must be completed for each of the electing
taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2012, use Form
nonresident individual partners, members or shareholders.
740NP-WH-ES (Kentucky Estimated Tax Vouchers).
The composite return box on each Form PTE–WH must be
checked to indicate that the PTE–WH is a result of a composite
return. Form 740NP–WH and Copy A of Form PTE–WH shall be
The reporting of a nonresident individual’s, estate’s or trust’s net
mailed to the Kentucky Department of Revenue with payment
distributive share income and withholding on Form 740NP–WH
of tax due by the 15th day of the fourth month following the
at the maximum rate of six (6) percent shall satisfy the filing
close of the pass–through entity’s taxable year. Also, Copy
requirements of KRS 141.180 for a nonresident individual, estate
B and C of Form PTE–WH shall be provided to the partners,
or trust partner, member or shareholder whose only Kentucky
members or shareholders included in the composite return.
source income is net distributive share income. The nonresident
individual, estate or trust partner, member or shareholder may
For taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2012, a
file a Kentucky Individual Income Tax Return Nonresident or
pass–through entity filing a composite return shall make
Part–Year Resident (Form 740–NP) or a Kentucky Fiduciary
estimated tax payments if required by the provisions of KRS
Income Tax Return (Form 741) to take advantage of the graduated
141.206(6). If the pass-through entity is required to make
tax rates, credits and deductions.
estimated tax payments for taxable years beginning on or
after January 1, 2012, use Form 740NP-WH-ES (Kentucky
A pass–through entity shall complete Form 740NP–WH and
Estimated Tax Vouchers).
Form PTE–WH for each nonresident individual, estate or trust
partner, member or shareholder and each corporate partner
Substitute Forms—Any form to be used in lieu of an official
or member and mail Form 740NP–WH and Copy A of Form
Department of Revenue form must be submitted to the
PTE–WH to the Kentucky Department of Revenue with payment
department for prior approval.
by the 15
day of the fourth month following the close of the
pass–through entity’s taxable year. Also, Copy B and C of
Required Forms and Information—A single member LLC must
Form PTE–WH shall be provided to the partners, members
enter all applicable information on Form 725, attach a schedule
or shareholders. Form 740NP–WH and Form PTE–WH are
for each line item or line item instruction which states “attach
available at
schedule,” and attach the following forms or schedules, if
Composite Return—Nonresidents Only
Kentucky Forms and Schedules
Do not include a nonresident individual (includes an estate
or trust partner, member or shareholder) partner, member or
1. Kentucky Single Member LLC Individually Owned LLET
shareholder in a composite return if the partner’s, member’s
Return (Form 725)
or shareholder’s distributive share income was subject to
withholding and reported on Form 740NP–WH and PTE–WH.
2. Kentucky Single Member LLC Individually Owned Composite
Return Schedule (Schedule CP)
The composite return applies only to nonresident individual
3. Apportionment and Allocation (Schedule A)
(includes an estate or trust partner, member or shareholder)
4. Apportionment and Allocation—Continuation Sheet
partners, members or shareholders: (i) whose distributive share
(Schedule A–C)
income was not subject to withholding as provided by KRS
141.206(5); (ii) whose only source of distributive share income
5. Limited Liability Entity Tax (Schedule LLET)
within this state is from one or more pass–through entities; and
6. Limited Liability Entity Tax—Continuation Sheet (Schedule
(iii) that elect to be included in a composite return as provided
by KRS 141.206(16).
7. Application for Filing Extension (Form 41A720SL)
8. Tax Credit Summary Schedule (Schedule TCS)
For taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2007, the
Department of Revenue will permit the filing of a “composite
Required Federal Form and Schedules
return” as provided by KRS 141.206(16) on behalf of electing
nonresident individual partners, members or shareholders of
All single member LLC entities must provide a copy of the
a pass–through entity as defined in KRS 141.010(26). Income
following federal forms which were submitted to the Internal
tax will be computed at the highest marginal rate provided in
Revenue Service:
KRS 141.020 on the partner’s, member’s or shareholder’s pro
rata share of the distributive share income from a pass–through
1. Form 1040, 1041 or 1065 (all pages)
entity doing business in, or deriving income from sources within
Kentucky. The partners’, members’ or shareholders’ distributive
2. Schedule C—Profit or Loss from Business
share of income shall include all items of income or deduction
3. Schedule D—Capital Gains and Losses
used to compute adjusted gross income on the Kentucky return
4. Schedule E—Supplemental Income and Loss
that is passed through to the partner, member or shareholder
by the pass–through entity, including but not limited to interest,
5. Schedule F—Profit or Loss from Farming
dividend, capital gains or losses, guaranteed payments and
6. Form 4562—Depreciation and Amortization (if required to be
rents (KRS 141.206(16)).
7. Form 4797—Sales of Business Property
The composite return of a pass–through entity shall be
8. Form 4835—Farm Rental Income and Expenses
filed with the Department of Revenue on Form 740NP–WH,


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