Instructions For Form 725 - Kentucky Single Member Llc Individually Owned Llet Return - 2013 Page 16


fairly or if you have a problem or complaint, please contact the
notify you in writing prior to termination or modifi cation of a
Ombudsman for assistance.
payment agreement;
furnish copies of the agent’s audit workpapers
The Taxpayer Ombudsman may be contacted by telephone at (502)
and a written narrative explaining the reason(s)
564-7822 (between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. weekdays). The mailing
for the assessment;
address is: Department of Revenue, Taxpayer Ombudsman, P. O.
Box 930, Frankfort, Kentucky 40602-0930.
resolve tax controversies on a fair and equitable basis at the
administrative level whenever possible;
notify you in writing at your last known address at least 60 days
prior to publishing your name on a list of delinquent taxpayers
for which a tax or judgment lien has been fi led; and
The DOR has offi ces in Frankfort and taxpayer service centers in
notify you by certifi ed mail 20 days prior to submitting name to
nine cities and towns throughout Kentucky. DOR employees in the
the relevant agency for the revocation or denial of professional
service centers answer tax questions and provide assistance. You may
license, driver’s license or motor vehicle registration.
obtain assistance by contacting any of the following:
Ashland Taxpayer Service Center
134 Sixteenth Street, 41101-7670
(606) 920-2037
Bowling Green Taxpayer Service Center
If you receive a notice of assessment, a Notice of Tax Due for tax
201 West Professional Park Court, 42104-3278
or penalty or if the DOR notifi es you that a tax refund or credit
(270) 746-7470
has been reduced or denied, a license or permit revoked or denied,
or other determination made by the DOR, you have the right to
Central Kentucky Taxpayer Service Center
protest. To do so:
501 High Street
Frankfort 40601-2103
submit a written protest within 45 days of the original Notice
(502) 564-4581 (Taxpayer Assistance)
of Tax Due, notice of refund reduction or denial, revocation or
denial of a license or permit, or other DOR determination;
Corbin Taxpayer Service Center
15100 North US25E, Suite 2, 40701-6188
identify the type of tax involved and give the account number,
(606) 528-3322
Social Security number or other identifi cation number and
attach a copy of the DOR notice of determination to support
Hopkinsville Taxpayer Service Center
that protest is timely;
181 Hammond Drive, 42240-7926
(270) 889-6521
explain why you disagree;
attach any proof or documentation available to support your
Louisville Taxpayer Service Center
protest or request additional time to support your protest;
600 West Cedar Street, 2nd Floor West, 40202-2310
(502) 595-4512
sign your statement, include your daytime telephone number
and mailing address; and
Northern Kentucky Taxpayer Service Center
Turfway Ridge Offi ce Park
mail to the Kentucky Department of Revenue,
7310 Turfway Road, Suite 190
Frankfort, Kentucky 40620.
Florence 41042-4871
(859) 371-9049
You have the right to request a conference to discuss the issue.
Owensboro Taxpayer Service Center
401 Frederica Street, Building C, Suite 201, 42301-6295
Final Ruling
(270) 687-7301
If you do not want to have a conference or if the conference did not
Paducah Taxpayer Service Center
resolve your protest, you have the right to request a fi nal ruling of
Clark Business Complex, Suite G
the DOR so that you can appeal your case further.
2928 Park Avenue, 42001-4024
(270) 575-7148
Pikeville Taxpayer Service Center
If you do not agree with the DOR’s fi nal ruling, you can fi le a written
Uniplex Center, 126 Trivette Drive, Suite 203, 41501-1275
appeal with the Kentucky Board of Tax Appeals. If you do not agree
(606) 433-7675
with the decision of the Kentucky Board of Tax Appeals, you have the
right to appeal their ruling to the Kentucky courts (fi rst
* * * * * * * * * *
to the circuit court in your home county or in Franklin
County, then to the Kentucky Court of Appeals, and
The DOR has an online taxpayer service center where you can
fi nally to the Kentucky Supreme Court).
download forms, publications, and obtain general information about
the department. The address is
NOTE: The above protest and appeal procedures do not apply for real
property which is valued by the local property valuation administrator
The information in this brochure merely summarizes your rights as
(PVA). Contact the local PVA for information about how to appeal
a Kentucky taxpayer and the responsibilities of the Department of
the valuation of real property.
Revenue. The Kentucky Taxpayers’ Bill of Rights may be found in
the Kentucky Revised Statutes (KRS) at Chapter 131.041-131.083.
Additional rights and responsibilities are provided for in KRS 131.020,
131.110, 131.170, 131.1817, 131.183, 131.190, 131.500, 131.654,
133.120, 133.130, 134.580 and 134.590.
The DOR has a Taxpayer Ombudsman whose job is to serve as an
advocate for taxpayers’ rights. One of the main functions of the
The Kentucky Department of Revenue does not discriminate on the basis of race,
Ombudsman is to ensure that your rights as a Kentucky taxpayer
color, national origin, sex, age, religion, disability, sexual orientation, gender
are protected.
identity, veteran status, genetic information or ancestry in employment or the
provision of services.
Also, an important function of the Taxpayer Ombudsman is to
confer with DOR employees when you have a problem or confl ict
that you have been unable to resolve. However, it is not the role of
the Ombudsman to intercede in an audit, handle a protest, waive
Printing costs paid from state funds.
taxes, penalty or interest, or answer technical tax questions. To fi le
a protest, see PROTEST AND APPEAL PROCEDURE. Please do
Commonwealth of Kentucky
not mail your protest to the Ombudsman.
The Taxpayer Ombudsman is your advocate and is there to make
sure your rights are protected. If you think you are not being treated
10F100 (7-13)


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