Instructions For Form 725 - Kentucky Single Member Llc Individually Owned Llet Return - 2013 Page 12


an energy–efficient interior lighting system that meets the
Caution: An approved company under the Environmental
Stewardship Act shall not be entitled to the recycling credit
maximum reduction in lighting power density requirements
provided under the provisions of KRS 141.390 for equipment
for the federal energy–efficient commercial building deduction
used in the production of an environmental stewardship
under 26 U.S.C. § 179D, as it existed on December 31, 2007.
The total credit is limited to $500.
Clean Coal Incentive Tax Credit—Effective for tax years
(v) For commercial property, 30% of the installed cost of an
energy–efficient heating, cooling, ventilation, or hot water
ending on or after December 31, 2006, a nonrefundable,
nontransferable credit against taxes imposed by KRS 136.120,
system that meets the requirements for the federal energy–
efficient commercial building deduction under 26 U.S.C. §
KRS 141.020, KRS 141.040 or KRS 141.0401 shall be allowed
for a clean coal facility. As provided by KRS 141.428, a clean
179D, as it existed on December 31, 2007. The total credit is
coal facility means an electric generation facility beginning
limited to $500. KRS 141.436
commercial operation on or after January 1, 2005, at a cost
greater than $150 million that is located in the Commonwealth
ENERGY STAR Home or ENERGY STAR Manufactured Home
of Kentucky and is certified by the Energy and Environment
Tax Credit—A nonrefundable tax credit against the tax
Cabinet as reducing emissions of pollutants released during
imposed under KRS 141.040, and KRS 141.0401 is allowed if
a taxpayer builds a new ENERGY STAR home located in the
generation of electricity through the use of clean coal
equipment and technologies. The amount of the credit shall be
Commonwealth for use as a principal place of residence, or
sells a new ENERGY STAR manufactured home to a buyer
$2 per ton of eligible coal purchased that is used to generate
electric power at a certified clean coal facility, except that no
who uses that home as a principal place of residence in the
credit shall be allowed if the eligible coal has been used to
Commonwealth. The tax credit shall equal: (a) $800 if the
generate a credit under KRS 141.0405 for the taxpayer, parent
taxpayer builds an ENERGY STAR home; or (b) $400 if the
or subsidiary. KRS 141.428
taxpayer sells an ENERGY STAR manufactured home. The
tax credit shall not apply if the tax credit has been previously
Ethanol Tax Credit—Producers of ethanol are entitled to a tax
taken by another taxpayer on the same ENERGY STAR home or
ENERGY STAR manufactured home, or the taxpayer has taken
credit against the taxes imposed by KRS 141.020, KRS 141.040
and KRS 141.0401. The taxpayer must file a claim for ethanol
the energy efficiency products tax credit. KRS 141.437
credit with the Department of Revenue by January 15 each
year for ethanol produced in the previous calendar year. The
Railroad Maintenance and Improvement Tax Credit—For tax
department shall issue a credit certification (Schedule ETH)
years beginning on or after January 1, 2010, an owner of any
to the taxpayer by April 15. The credit certification must be
Class II railroad or Class III railroad located in Kentucky or
attached to the tax return claiming this credit. KRS 141.4242
any person who transports property using the rail facilities
and 103 KAR 15:110
of a Class II railroad or Class III railroad located in Kentucky
or furnishes railroad–related property or services to a Class
Cellulosic Ethanol Tax Credit—Producers of cellulosic ethanol
II railroad or Class III railroad located in Kentucky, but only
are entitled to a tax credit against the taxes imposed by KRS
with respect to miles of railroad track assigned to the person
141.020, KRS 141.040 and KRS 141.0401. The taxpayer must
by a Class II railroad or Class III railroad, shall be entitled to a
file a claim for ethanol credit with the Department of Revenue
nonrefundable credit against taxes imposed by KRS 141.020 or
by January 15 each year for cellulosic ethanol produced in the
141.040 and KRS 141.0401 in an amount equal to fifty percent
previous calendar year. The department shall issue a credit
of the qualified expenditures paid or incurred to maintain or
certification (Schedule CELL) to the taxpayer by April 15. The
improve railroads located in Kentucky, including roadbeds,
credit certification must be attached to the tax return claiming
bridges, and related structures, that are owned or leased as of
this credit. KRS 141.4244 and 103 KAR 15:120
January 1, 2008, by a Class II or Class III railroad.
Energy Efficiency Products Tax Credit—A nonrefundable tax
The credit allowed shall not exceed the product of $3,500
credit against the tax imposed under KRS 141.020 or 141.040
multiplied by the sum of: (i) The number of miles of railroad
and KRS 141.0401 is allowed as follows:
track in Kentucky owned or leased by the eligible taxpayer as
of the close of the taxable year; and (ii) The number of miles of
(i) For a taxpayer’s residence or single–family or multifamily
railroad track in Kentucky assigned to the eligible taxpayer by
residential rental unit, 30% of the installed cost of qualified
a Class II railroad or Class III railroad which owns or leases the
insulation, qualified energy–efficient windows and storm
railroad track as of the close of the taxable year. KRS 141.385
doors, and qualified energy proper t y that meets the
performance, quality, and certification standards of and that
Railroad Expansion Tax Credit—For tax years beginning on or
would have been eligible for the federal credit for residential
after January 1, 2010: (a) a corporation that owns fossil energy
property expenditures under 26 U.S.C. § 25C, as it existed on
resources subject to tax under KRS 143.020 or 143A.020 or
December 31, 2007. The total credit is limited to $500.
biomass resources and transports these resources using rail
facilities; or (b) a railway company subject to tax under KRS
(ii) For a taxpayer’s residence or single–family residential rental
136.120 that serves a corporation that owns fossil energy
unit, 30% of the installed cost of an active solar space–heating
resources subject to tax under KRS 143.020 or 143A.020 or
system, passive solar space–heating system, combined
biomass resources shall be entitled to a nonrefundable tax
active solar space–heating and water–heating system, solar
credit against taxes imposed under KRS 141.040 and 141.0401
water–heating system, and wind turbine or wind machine, or
equal to twenty–five percent of the expenditures paid or
$3 per watt of direct current of a solar photovoltaic system.
incurred by the corporation or railway company to expand or
The total credit is limited to $500.
upgrade railroad track, including roadbeds, bridges, and related
track structures, to accommodate the transport of fossil energy
(iii) For a multifamily residential rental unit or commercial
resources or biomass resources.
property, 30% of the installed cost of an active solar space–
heating system, passive solar space–heating system, combined
The credit amount approved for a calendar year for all
active solar space–heating and water–heating system, solar
taxpayers under KRS 141.386 shall be limited to $1 million.
water–heating system, and wind turbine or wind machine, or
If the total amount of approved credit exceeds $1 million,
$3 per watt of direct current of a solar photovoltaic system.
the department shall determine the amount of credit each
The total credit is limited to $1,000.
corporation and railroad company receives by multiplying $1
million by a fraction, the numerator of which is the amount
(iv) For commercial property, 30% of the installed cost of
of approved credit for a corporation or railway company and


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