Form It-Reit - Captive Real Estate Investment Trust (Reit) Page 3


Exception for Expenses Paid, Accrued, or Incurred by the captive REIT to Persons that are Not Related
Members to the extent they reduce the corresponding captive REIT costs received as income by the captive
REIT. (For additional information, please see subsection (c) of Code § 48-7-28.4 and Regulation 560-7-3-.04).
Attach a separate schedule for each related member.
Amount of the costs paid by the captive REIT to persons that are not
related members (Amount eligible for this exception). Attach a schedule
showing the breakdown of costs by type of expense.
For any depreciation included in line 1, we certify that the related assets
were purchased from a person who was not a related member or were
purchased or received from a related member in an arm’s length transaction,
and the assets were legally transferred to the captive REIT.
Total Amount Eligible for Exception:
Add Line 9 of Section C and Line 1 of Section D. Include the amounts from
the same lines of any separate schedules attached. Enter the total amount
here and on the applicable line of the tax return in the Georgia subtractions
from income section. The sum total of all exceptions reported on the tax
return pursuant to Form IT-REIT, including any additional schedules,
cannot be greater than the amount on Line 1 of Section B.
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