Schedule Da (Form Rmft-6-Df) - Mft, Ust, And Eif Dyed Diesel Fuel Produced, Acquired, Received, Or Transported Into Illinois Page 2


General Instructions
Schedule DA is used for reporting the
What if I need additional assistance?
Column 7 - Write the name of the Illinois city to
following taxes:
which the dyed diesel fuel product was delivered.
If you have questions about this schedule, write to us
• Motor Fuel Tax (MFT)
at Motor Fuel Tax, Illinois Department of Revenue,
Column 8 - Write the seller’s Illinois license number.
• Underground Storage Tank Tax (UST)
P .O. Box 19477, Springfield, Illinois 62794-9477, or
• Environmental Impact Fee (EIF)
call our Springfield office weekdays between 8 a.m.
Column 9 - Write the number of invoiced gallons.
and 4:30 p.m. at 217 782-2291.
Line 11 - Add the invoiced gallons reported in
What is dyed diesel fuel?
Column 9, Lines 1 through 10.
Step-by-Step Instructions
Dyed diesel fuel is any special fuel that has been
dyed per Section 4d of the Motor Fuel Tax Law.
Line 12 - If you are filing more than one Sched-
ule DA, group together all Schedules DA that
Step 1: Complete the following
When do I file this schedule?
You must file Schedule DA with Form RMFT-5,
Write your company name, your license number,
• MFT-free only gallons. Add Lines 11 from this
Motor Fuel Distributor/Supplier Tax Return, if you
and the period for which you are reporting. Check
group, and write the total on Line 12 of the last
are reporting MFT-free gallons only or both MFT-
the boxes next to the tax/fee type and the receipt
and UST-/EIF-free gallons. If you are a distributor
type you are listing on this page. Report one tax/fee
or supplier, you must report all dyed diesel fuel
• UST-/EIF-free only gallons. Add Lines 11 from
type and one receipt type only per page.
transactions as MFT-free.
this group, and write the total on Line 12 of the
last page.
Step 2: Report your tax- and fee-free
You must file Schedule DA with Form RMFT-5-US,
• both MFT- and UST-/EIF-free gallons. Add
Underground Storage Tank Tax and Environmental
Lines 11 from this group, and write the total on
Impact Fee Receiver Tax Return, if you are report-
Lines 1 through 10 —
Line 12 of the last page.
ing only UST-/EIF-free gallons.
Column 1 - Write the month, day, and year of the
Then, add the totals from Lines 12 of the Sched-
What must I attach to this schedule?
ules DA that report
Column 2 - Write the invoice number.
You must attach the credit invoices issued by the
seller to Schedule DA. We will return your credit in-
• MFT-free gallons only group and the both
Column 3 - Write the carrier’s complete business
voices to you upon request.
MFT- and UST-/EIF-free gallons group and
write this amount on Form RMFT-5, Line 2a,
What records must I keep?
Column 3.
Column 4 - Write the bill of lading or manifest
You are required by law to keep books and
• UST-/EIF-free gallons only group and the both
records showing all purchases, receipts, losses
MFT- and UST-/EIF-free gallons group and
through any cause, sales, distributions, and use of
Column 5 - Write the seller’s complete name.
write this amount on Form RMFT-5-US, Line 2a,
Column 1.
Column 6 - Write the city and the state (using the
two-character U.S. Post Office abbreviation) from
which the dyed diesel fuel product originated.
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