Form Ab-26 - Request For Informal Assessment Review Page 6

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1. Identify if you would like to receive your
PART VI – Appealing an Informal Review
information packet by email, postal mail or at an
Per MCA 15-7-102(6), if a property owner feels
informal review meeting.
aggrieved by the department’s decision regarding
● If you want the packet emailed to you, please
classification, valuation or a denial of a benefit you
provide your email address on the line provided.
have applied for after the informal review, the property
owner has the right to file an appeal with a county
● If you want the packet mailed to you, we will
tax appeal board in the county where the property
send your packet to the address you provided
is located. County tax appeal board decisions may
in Part 1 of this form unless you ask us to send
be appealed to the State Tax Appeal Board, whose
it to another address.
decision may be appealed to district court.
● If you select to receive the packet in person,
If you choose to appeal the department’s decision
you will receive it at the property inspection
to a county tax appeal board, you must file your
appeal within 30 days after notice of the department’s
determination is mailed to you.
2. Sign and date the form on the Applicant Signature
and Date lines provided.
Additional Contact Information:
PART V – For Department of Revenue Office Use
You can find contact information (mailing address and
phone number) for your local Department of Revenue
Department employees will complete this section,
office by visiting or by calling toll free
describing whether your property received a valuation
(866) 859-2254 (in Helena, 444-6900).
adjustment and why. We will mail a copy of the
State Tax Appeal Board’s website –
completed form to the name and address provided in
Part I, unless you have given us another address.
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