Form Ab-26 - Request For Informal Assessment Review Page 5

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rule, a separate Form AB-26 should be filed for each
requesting a property review. A reason stated such
separately assessed parcel.
as taxes too high is not enough information for
department staff to make a valuation decision.
Do I need to pay my taxes if I have a Form AB-26
If you want us to conduct our review using only the
review or appeal pending?
information you included with your Form AB-26,
The law requires the taxpayer to pay the taxes under
please check the appropriate box. If you would like
protest in order to receive any refund and accrued
to meet with a department representative in person,
interest. The protest must be filed with the County
please check that box. Please include your daytime
Treasurer in writing, specifying the grounds for protest
phone number so we can contact you to make
and the taxes must be paid by the due date.
an appointment to inspect your property and get
additional information from you.
Payment of Property Taxes
Part III – Property Owner Documentation to Be
Your property taxes are billed and collected by your
local county treasurer. Please direct any questions
regarding property tax billing and collection to them.
If you believe the department has the physical
characteristics of your property correctly identified,
but you are unhappy with the appraised value of the
Penalty for False Statements
property, please complete this section.
A person making willful false statements on the Form
AB-26 is subject to the penalties of false swearing set
Under the Market/Productivity Value from Assessment
Notice section, enter the dollar values for land,
forth in 45-7-202, MCA.
improvements, and personal property (if applicable)
SECTION II. Instructions for Completing Form
shown in your assessment notice under the As of
7/1/2008, Market/Productivity Value column.
On some assessment notices, land and improvement
Part I – General Information
values are combined in the As of 7/1/2008, Market/
Enter the required identifying information including the
Productivity Value column. Please enter the combined
value on either the land or improvements line.
● Person Filing this Form (if different than property
In the section marked Value as Determined by
owner) – your agent/representative or attorney
Property Owner, enter your estimate of the market/
may complete the form for you. Please attach a
productivity value of your land and improvements as
power of attorney form.
of July 1, 2008. If applicable, your personal property
dollar amount is valued as of January 1 of the
current year, as required by law (personal property is
reassessed every year).
● County – list county in which the property is
The significance of the 07/01/2008 date is Montana
law specifically requires that all property be valued
● Geocode – is a 15 digit property identification
on the same day every six years so that tax burdens
number. This number can be found in the table
are equally distributed among all taxpayers across
within your assessment notice.
the state. The 2007 legislature determined that
● Assessment Code – Alpha numeric number found
the valuation date for the current reappraisal cycle
on the first page of your assessment notice.
(01/01/2009-12/31/2014) is July 1, 2008.
● Home/Contact Phone – please provide a daytime
Please attach all documentation that supports the
phone number.
value you determine reasonable as of the base year
valuation date.
Part II – Request for a Review and Inspection
As a general rule, the Department of Revenue
In the space provided, specify the reasons for
appraisal is presumed to be correct and the property
requesting a property review. Examples of such
owner must prove otherwise.
reasons may include differences in square footage,
bedroom/bath count, or other physical characteristic
Part IV – Request for an Information Packet
changes. Information on purchase price, comparable
If you choose to receive an information packet, you
sales or a fee appraisal are also reasons for
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