Form Ab-26 - Request For Informal Assessment Review Page 3

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Part V – For Department of Revenue Office Use Only
A field inspection was completed:
q interior, date __________________ q exterior, date ___________________
If either field inspection was not completed, reason why:
As a result of this informal review, an adjustment
q was not made for the following reasons:
q was
q Changes to property information
q Applicable fee appraisal
q Changes to property type
q Sales of comparable property
q Changed classification of land
q Changed valuation method
q Other
Additional Notes __________________________________________________________________________________
The results of this informal review were sent to the taxpayer on (date) ________________________________________
Reviewed by ____________________________________________ Date ____________________________________
Title ___________________________________________________
Part VI – Appealing an Informal Review
Per MCA 15-7-102(6), if any property owner feels aggrieved by the department’s decision regarding classification or
valuation after the informal review, the property owner has the right to file an appeal with a county tax appeal board in the
county where the property is located. County tax appeal board decisions may be appealed to the State Tax Appeal Board,
whose decision may be appealed to district court.
An appeal to a county tax appeal board must be filed within 30 days after notice of the department’s
determination is mailed to the taxpayer.
See pages 4-6 for instructions on submitting this form.
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