Form 4752 - Business Tax Unitary Business Group Combined Filing Schedule For Financial Institutions - 2014 Page 8


Line 17: In completing the combined return, a member of a
See the “Supplemental Instructions for Standard Members
unitary business group of financial institutions eliminates its
in UBGs” in Form 4599 for information on the effects of
investment in the positive Equity Capital of other members of the
members leaving or joining a UBG on credit carryforwards.
same group. Eliminations occur to Equity Capital at the member
level. Enter on this line the member’s investment in the positive
Equity Capital of other members of the same group.
Member information for lines 26-32 from Form 4752 are
Line 19: Under MCL 208.1261(k), Michigan obligations
totaled and carried to other forms in the MBT return. The
means a bond, note, or other obligation issued by a
table below matches the lines of Form 4752 on the left
governmental unit described in Section 3 of the Shared Credit
with the corresponding lines on the right.
Rating Act, PA 227 of 1985, MCL 141.1053.
Line 20: Under MCL 208.1261(s), United States obligations
Sum of Amounts
means all obligations of the United States exempt from taxation
Lines from
Reported Here for All
under 31 USC 3124(a) or exempt under the United States
Form 4752
Members are Carried To
constitution or any federal statute, including the obligations
of any instrumentality or agency of the United States that are
Line 26
Form 4569, line 2
exempt from state or local taxation under the United States
Line 27
Form 4569, line 6
constitution or any statute of the United States.
Line 22a: If the UBG member reporting on this page
Line 28
Form 4584, line 4
owns a subsidiary that is an authorized insurance company,
Line 29
Form 4584, line 7
enter actual amount of capital fund maintained within that
Line 30
Form 4573, line 45
Line 22b: Enter the minimum capital fund amount required by
Line 31
Form 4584, line 40
regulations for that insurance subsidiary.
Line 25: Enter the combined totals of line 25 of this form on
Line 32
Form 4573, line 70
Form 4590, line 20, and skip lines 11 through 19 on Form 4590.
If this combined number is less than zero, enter zero on Form
4590, line 20.
Line 33: Enter overpayment credited from prior MBT return.
Lines 26-32: These lines are for reporting each member’s
When membership of a UBG changes from one filing period to
credit carryforwards remaining from a previous year. If the
the next, carryforward of an overpayment from the prior return
remains with the DM’s account.
group created a credit carryforward in a preceding tax period,
Treasury will have maintained that carryforward on the DM’s
account. Enter unused carryforwards of this type on the DM’s
Line 34: All MBT estimated payments for a UBG should
be made by the DM. Enter estimates paid by the DM on
copy of Part 2B.
this line of the DM’s copy of Part 2B. If any other member
If a member created a credit carryforward prior to joining
paid estimates attributable to this group return, enter those
the UBG, Treasury will maintain that carryforward on that
estimates on that member’s copy of Part 2B. Include all
member’s account, subject to use by the group, until it is fully
payments made by that member for any portion of its federal
consumed or that member leaves the group. Enter unused credit
filing period that is included on this group return.
carryforwards of this type on the copy of Part 2B filed for the
For example, if a non-DM member has a 12-month fiscal year
member that brought the carryforward to the group.
beginning April 1, 2012, and is a member of a calendar year
Available credit carryforwards, regardless of whether they
UBG throughout that period, its business activity from April
arose within the group or outside of it, are applied against
1, 2012, through March 31, 2013, will be reported on the
the UBG’s tax liability on the basis of age (oldest first). If
group’s December 31, 2013, return. If that member pays MBT
two members each created a carryforward of the same credit
quarterly estimates based on its federal tax year, it will make
and the same age, and together they exceed the amount
two estimates during 2012, before the DM’s (and group’s) filing
allowable in this filing period, those members’ respective
period begins. Because those estimates are attributable to
credit carryforwards are used in proportion to the amount
activity that will be reported on the group’s December 31, 2013,
they contributed to the group. If a member that generated a
return, they should be included on the paying member’s copy of
carryforward in a prior period leaves the group, that member
Part 2B for the December 31, 2013, group return.
will take with it an amount equal to the group’s remaining
carryforward from that period multiplied by the amount that
Line 35: Enter the total withholding payments made on your
behalf by flow-through entities. Include all withholding
member contributed relative to the total amount contributed by
all group members for the same credit in that same period.
payments made on returns that apply to the tax year included
in this return.
NOTE: It is important to review a carryforward for the
possibility that some or all of it has expired, or that some or all
Include all withholding payments made on returns that apply to
of it was withdrawn from the group by a departing member.
this member’s tax year included in this UBG return. Included


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