Form 4752 - Business Tax Unitary Business Group Combined Filing Schedule For Financial Institutions - 2014 Page 7


Member B’s tax year of April 1, 2012 through March 31, 2013
beginning and ending dates of the period within this member’s
and Member C’s short period (due to the transition to the MBT
federal tax year during which both tests were satisfied. These
Election) of January 1, 2012 through September 30, 2012.
dates constitute a short tax period for MBT purposes, even
Member C’s full tax year of October 1, 2012 through September
if there is no corresponding short federal tax period. This
30, 2013 will be reported on the group return for the period
member must prepare a pro forma federal return calculation for
ending July 31, 2014.
the portion of its federal year during which it was a member of
this UBG, and use that pro forma calculation as the basis for
Part 2A: Apportionment Data for Combined Return
reporting the tax data required by Part 2B.
When completing Part 1, if multiple copies of this page are
Line 10: Enter the taxpayer’s six-digit North American Industry
required, provide the same answers to Part 2A, lines 2 and 3,
Classification System (NAICS) code. For a complete list of six-
on each copy of this page that is submitted.
digit NAICS codes, see the U.S. Census Bureau Web site at
Line 2: Gross business is defined in the instructions to
, or enter the same NAICS
Form 4590, line 10a. On a combined return, gross business is
code used when filing U.S. Form 1120S, U.S. Form 1065,
calculated after eliminating transactions between financial
Schedule C of U.S. Form 1040, or Schedule K of U.S. Form 1120.
institution members of the UBG. Enter combined gross
business in Michigan of all financial institution members
Line 11: Enter the date, if applicable, on which this member
went out of existence. Examples include dissolution of an entity
on line 2A, show eliminations on line 2B, and show net after
eliminations on line 2C.
and a merger in which this member was not the surviving
entity. Include any event in which the FEIN ceases to be used
Carry amount from line 2C to line 10a on Form 4590.
by this entity. If this member continues to exist, DO NOT
use this column to report that this member has stopped doing
Line 3: Enter all gross business everywhere on line 3A, show
business in Michigan.
eliminations on line 3B, and show net after eliminations on line 3C.
Line 12: If this member has nexus with Michigan,
Carry amount from line 3C to line 10b on Form 4590.
check this box. Guidance in determining nexus can be
Part 2B: Member Data for Combined Return
found in RABs 2007-6 and 2008-4, available online at
In all cases with one or more financial institutions in a UBG,
(Click on the “Reference Library”
link at left side of that Web page.)
complete one copy of Part 2B for each financial institution in the
UBG whose net capital is reported on this return. Note that an
Line 14: This line does not apply to the first MBT return filed
entity that would otherwise be a standard member but is owned
by this UBG. For subsequent tax periods, check this box if this
by and unitary with a financial institution is defined by statute to
member was not included in the UBG’s preceding MBT return.
be a financial institution. If a financial institution member (other
than the DM) has two or more federal tax periods ending with or
Line 15: Enter a concise description of the activities or
within the filing period of this return, use a separate copy of Part
operations of this member that result in a flow of value
2B for each of that member’s federal periods.
between this member and others in the UBG, or integration,
dependence, or contribution to other members. This is
Line 7: Identify the organization type of this member:
not limited to transactions that are recognized for tax or
• Fiduciary (a decedent’s estate, and a Trust taxed federally
accounting purposes. It may include sharing of assets,
as a Trust under Subchapter J of the IRC. A grantor Trust or
employees, data, business opportunities, or other resources.
“revocable living Trust” established by an Individual is not
(See RAB 2010-2.)
taxed as a separate entity, and is not within this Fiduciary
Line 16: Enter equity capital as of the last day of the filing
period, as computed in accordance with generally accepted
• C Corporation (including an LLC, Trust, or other entity
accounting principles. If the member does not maintain its
taxed federally as a Corporation under Subchapter C of the
books and records in accordance with generally accepted
accounting principles, net capital must be computed in
• S Corporation (including an LLC, Trust, or other entity taxed
accordance with the books and records used by the member, so
long as the method fairly reflects the member’s net capital for
federally as a Corporation under Subchapter S of the IRC).
• Partnership (including an LP, LLP, LLC, Trust, or any other
purposes of this tax.
entity taxed federally as a Partnership).
NOTE: In completing the combined return, a member of a
unitary business group of financial institutions eliminates its
NOTE: A person that is a disregarded entity for federal tax
purposes, including a single member LLC or Q-Sub, must file
investment in the positive Equity Capital of other members
as if it were a sole proprietorship if owned by an individual, or
of the same group. Eliminations occur to Equity Capital at
a branch or division if owned by another business entity.
the member level. Because each member of the group must
compute the Net Capital tax base in accordance with GAAP,
Line 8: List the member’s tax year, for federal income tax
each member should represent a positive or zero Equity Capital
purposes, from which business activity is being reported on
before Eliminations. Thus, the resulting unitary return for
this copy of Part 2B.
MBT may not exactly correlate to the group’s federal returns
Line 9: If the control test and relationship test were not both
or consolidated GAAP equity but will comply with the
satisfied for this member’s entire federal tax year, enter the
requirements of the MBT.


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