Form 4752 - Business Tax Unitary Business Group Combined Filing Schedule For Financial Institutions - 2014 Page 6


○ Any person, other than a person subject to the tax
institution member that owns or controls the other financial
imposed under Chapter 2A of the MBT Act (Insurance
institution members has nexus with Michigan, that controlling
Companies), that is directly or indirectly owned by an
member must serve as DM.
entity described above and is a member of the UBG.
If that controlling member does not have nexus with Michigan,
○ A UBG of entities described in either or both of the
it may appoint any financial institution member of the UBG
preceding two bullets.
with nexus to serve as DM. That DM must continue to serve
Each insurance company member will file separately, using
as such every year, unless it ceases to be a UBG member or the
controlling member attains Michigan nexus.
Insurance Company Annual Return for Michigan Business and
Retaliatory Taxes (Form 4588). Because insurance companies
If a UBG is comprised of both standard members (not owned
always file separately, rather than on a combined return, there
by and unitary with a financial institution in the UBG) and
is no MBT insurance form that serves a function similar to that
financial institutions, the UBG will have two DMs (one for the
of Forms 4580 and 4752.
standard members completing Form 4567 and related forms,
and one for the financial institution members completing Form
Example A: UBG A is composed of the following:
4590 and related forms).
• Four standard members
Role of the Designated Member: The DM files the MBT return
• Three financial institutions (all with nexus in Michigan)
on behalf of the UBG for MBT purposes. Only the DM may
file a valid extension request for the UBG. Treasury maintains
• Two insurance companies.
the UBG’s MBT tax data (e.g., prior MBT returns, business
All members of UBG A are owned by and unitary with one
loss carryforward, tax credit carryforward, overpayment credit
of the standard members of the UBG. UBG A will need to
forward) under the DM’s name and account number.
file Form 4580 and Form 4567 containing the four standard
members and Form 4752 and Form 4590 containing the
Line-by-Line Instructions
three financial institutions. In Part 1 of each form, only
the members that are included on that form (either the four
Lines not listed are explained on the form.
standard members, or the three financial institutions) will
be listed. Form 4580 with standard members will be filed
Dates must be entered in MM-DD-YYYY format.
under the name and Federal Employer Identification Number
For additional guidance, see the “Supplemental Instructions for
(FEIN) of the group’s standard DM. One of the financial
Standard Members in UBGs” in Form 4599.
institutions will serve as DM for those three members and
file Form 4752 and Form 4590. On Part 3 of Form 4580, list
Part 1: Unitary Business Group Members
all financial and insurance members. On Part 3 of Form
In Part 1, list only those members of the UBG that are
4752, list all standard and insurance members. The two
included on the annual return that is supported by this copy
insurance companies each will file a stand-alone Form 4588.
of this form. If more than 16 members, include additional
4752 forms as needed, repeating the DM’s name and FEIN
or Michigan Treasury (TR) assigned number in the field at
Example B: UBG B is composed of the following:
• Four members that would be standard (see below)
the top of each page. All excluded UBG members will be
identified in Part 3.
unless owned by a financial institution
• Three financial institutions (all with nexus in Michigan)
Lines 1A and 1B: Beginning with the DM, list the UBG
financial institution members and their corresponding FEIN or
• Two insurance companies.
TR Number.
All members of UBG B are owned by and unitary with
NOTE: A taxpayer that is a UBG must file a combined
one of the financial institutions in the UBG. Due to this
ownership by a financial institution, the four members that
return using the tax year of the DM. The combined return of
otherwise would be standard are defined by statute to be
the UBG must include each tax year of each member whose
financial institutions. (See definition of financial institution
tax year ends with or within the tax year of the DM. For
example, Taxpayer ABC is a UBG comprised of three financial
earlier in these instructions.) Therefore, this UBG will
not file a Form 4580 or 4567. Seven members will file a
institutions: Member A, the DM with a calendar tax year, and
Members B and C with fiscal years ending March 31, 2013, and
combined return on Form 4590 and 4752, listing the two
September 30, 2013, respectively. Taxpayer ABC’s tax year is
insurance members as excluded affiliates on Part 3 of Form
that of its DM. Thus, Taxpayer ABC’s tax year ends December
4752. The two insurance companies each will file a stand-
31, 2013, and its annual return is due April 30, 2014. That
alone Form 4588.
annual return must include the tax years of Members B and C
ending March 31, 2013, and September 30, 2013.
To complete this form and prepare a combined return, the UBG
must select a DM. For purposes of a combined return filed by
If, in the previous example, Member A, the DM, instead had a
fiscal year ending July 31, 2013, the UBG’s tax year would end
financial institution members of a UBG, Designated Member
means a financial institution member that has nexus with
July 31, 2013, and its annual return would be due November
Michigan and that will file the combined MBT return on behalf
30, 2013. The combined return for the UBG would include
of all financial institution members of the UBG. If the financial
Member A’s tax year of August 1, 2012 through July 31, 2013,


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