Form 4752 - Business Tax Unitary Business Group Combined Filing Schedule For Financial Institutions - 2014 Page 5


Instructions for Form 4752
Michigan Business Tax (MBT) Unitary Business Group
Combined Filing Schedule for Financial Institutions
functional integration include common programs or systems
and shared information or property. Examples of centralized
The purpose of this form is to:
management include common management or directors, shared
staff functions, and business decisions made for the UBG rather
• Identify all members of a Unitary Business Group (UBG)
than separately by each member. Examples of economies of scale
• Gather tax return data for each member included in the
include centralized business functions and pooled benefits or
financial institution’s combined return on a separate basis,
insurance. Groups that commonly exhibit a flow of value include
make appropriate eliminations, and determine combined UBG
vertically or horizontally integrated businesses, conglomerates,
data for the tax return.
parent companies with their wholly owned subsidiaries, and
entities in the same general line of business. Flow of value must be
NOTE: This is not the primary return. It is designed to support
more than the mere flow of funds arising out of passive investment.
the MBT Annual Return for Financial Institutions (Form 4590)
submitted on behalf of the UBG by the Designated Member
Businesses are integrated with, are dependent upon, or
(DM). Even if there is only one financial institution member
contribute to each other under many of the same circumstances
represented on the return for the tax year, that member must
that establish flow of value. However, this alternate relationship
file this form in support of its Form 4590.
test is also commonly satisfied when one entity finances
the operations of another or when there exist intercompany
NOTE: Beginning January 1, 2012, only those taxpayers with
transactions, including financing.
a certificated credit, which is awarded but not yet fully claimed
or utilized, may elect to be MBT taxpayers. If a taxpayer files
For more information on the control and relationship tests
an MBT return and claims a certificated credit, the taxpayer
for UBGs, see Revenue Administrative Bulletin (RAB)
makes the election to file and pay under the MBT until the
2010-1, MBT—Unitary Business Group Control Test, and
certificated credit and any carryforward of that credit are
RAB 2010-2, MBT—Unitary Business Group Relationship
exhausted. If a member of a UBG holds a certificated credit
Tests, on the Department of Treasury (Treasury) Web site at
and wishes to remain taxable under the MBT, the group and
(Click on the “Reference Library”
not the member must make the election. The election should be
link on the left side of the page.)
made by the DM; however, the Department will treat a filing by
one member of the group claiming a certificated credit as if the
Filing Procedures for UBGs
election was made by the entire group.
By definition, a UBG can include standard taxpayers,
Fiscal Year Filers: See “Supplemental Instructions for Fiscal
insurance companies, and financial institutions. Note that an
MBT Filers — Financial Institutions” in the MBT Forms and
entity that would otherwise be standard but is owned by and
Instructions for Financial Institutions (Form 4599).
unitary with a financial institution is defined by statute to be a
financial institution. In some cases, however, not all members
General Information About UBGs in MBT
of the UBG will be included on the same return. Financial
Unitary Business Group means a group of United States
institution members file a combined return on Form 4590,
persons, other than a foreign operating entity, that satisfies the
with Form 4752 filed in support.
control test and relationship test.
Form 4752 is used to gather and combine data from each
United States person is defined in Internal Revenue Code (IRC)
financial institution member of the UBG to support the group’s
§ 7701(a)(30). A foreign operating entity is defined by statute in
Form 4590 and related forms. This form must be completed
Michigan Compiled Laws (MCL) 208.1109(5).
before the group’s Form 4590 and related forms are completed.
Control Test. The control test is satisfied when one person
If this UBG also includes standard and/or insurance company
members, those members will not report tax data on this form,
owns or controls, directly or indirectly, more than 50 percent
but will be listed as excluded affiliates in Part 3.
of the ownership interest with voting or comparable rights of
the other person or persons. A person owns or controls more
Standard members will combine and report their data using MBT
than 50 percent of the ownership interest with voting rights
Unitary Business Group Combined Filing Schedule for Standard
or ownership interest that confer comparable rights to voting
Members (Form 4580) and MBT Annual Return (Form 4567).
rights of another person if that person owns or controls:
Financial institutions include any of the following:
• More than 50 percent of the total combined voting power of
○ A bank holding company, a national bank, a state
all ownership interests with voting (or comparable) rights, or
chartered bank, an office of thrift supervision chartered
• More than 50 percent of the total value of all ownership
bank or thrift institution, or a savings and loan holding
interests with voting (or comparable) rights.
company other than a diversified savings and loan holding
Relationship Tests. Flow of value is established when members
company as defined in 12 United States Code (USC)
1467a(a)(1)(F), or a federally chartered Farm Credit System
of the group demonstrate one or more of functional integration,
centralized management, and economies of scale. Examples of


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