Form St-2 - Multiple Site Form Page 2

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General Information
Who must file this form?
How can I find out what tax rates I should be
If you have one business but sell items at more than one
location (site), you must collect and remit sales and use taxes
If you file electronically using the free WebFile application on
according to the rates of each particular location. You must
our website at, the rates will be populated
complete and attach Form ST-2, Multiple Site Form, to your
for you according to your registration. You can also use the
Form ST-1, Sales and Use Tax and E911 Surcharge Return,
Tax Rate Finder on our website at to look up
to show the breakdown of taxes collected and paid from each
location specific tax rates.
What if I need help?
How do I report my sales?
If you need help, call us at 1 800 732-8866 or 217 782-3336,
Follow the specific instructions at the bottom of the page to
call our TDD-telecommunications device for the deaf at
report your sales. Based on the information you provided at
1 800 544-5304, or visit our website at
the time you registered, we printed the location code, location
Can I computer-generate my own form?
name, address, and applicable tax rate for each of your sites.
We encourage you to use the WebFile program on our website
If you have sales for the current period from a site that is not
at or TaxPrep software to file your return
listed, please write the name and address of the site and
electronically. If you wish to use a form other than the form
report your sales of goods and services. See the question
we send you, you must have our approval. Failure to comply
below for information on how to update your registration.
with this requirement may result in the delay of processing
What if I add or discontinue one of my sites or
your return or generating any credit. If your form has not been
change locations?
approved, you must use forms prescribed by the department.
You must contact the Central Registration Division by calling
Separate statements not on forms provided or approved by
217 785-3707 or writing us at:
the department will not be accepted and you will be asked for
appropriate documentation. If you would like to generate your
own forms, send a sample to:
PO BOX 19030
It is important to keep your registration information updated so
your returns will include the correct tax rates.
Specific Instructions
When completing this form, please round to the nearest
Lines 4a through 8b Page totals
dollar by dropping amounts less than 50 cents and increasing
For each page total line, 4a through 8b, add the amounts
amounts of 50 cents or more to the next higher dollar.
you wrote on the corresponding line for each site. Write the
sum on the page total line at the bottom of each page. For
Line 4a General merchandise base
example, add all of the amounts you wrote on Line 4a and
For each site, write the total amount you received from your
write the sum on the 4a page total line. If your Form ST-2
sales of general merchandise, plus the amount you received
has more than one page of sites, complete the page totals
from general merchandise you sold in performing your service.
for each page. The combined ST-2 page totals for each line
Do not include tax.
number must equal the amount on the corresponding line of
your Form ST-1. For example, the amount of the combined
Line 4b Multiply Line 4a by the tax rate.
ST-2 page totals for Line 4a must equal the amount on Line 4a
of your Form ST-1.
Line 5a Food, drugs, and medical appliances base
For each site, write the total amount you received from your
sales of qualifying food, drugs, and medical appliances, plus
the amount you received from the qualifying food, drugs, and
medical appliances you sold in performing your service. Do
not include tax.
Line 5b Multiply Line 5a by the tax rate.
Line 8a Receipts taxed at other rates
For each site, write only the receipts from sales of
merchandise and service you made at rates different
from the rates printed in Lines 4a and 5a. If you have
receipts from current sales that you believe are taxable at
a different rate, call us at 1 800 732-8866 or 217 782-3336
or the TDD-telecommunications device for the deaf at
1 800 544-5304 for instructions on how to report.
Line 8b Multiply each amount on Line 8a by the correct tax
rate, add the results, and write the total on Line 8b.
ST-2 back (R-11/11)


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