Form Ct-1120hp - Historic Preservation Tax Credit - 2015


Department of Revenue Services
Form CT-1120HP
State of Connecticut
(Rev. 12/15)
Historic Preservation Tax Credit
For Income Year Beginning: ___________________, 2015 and Ending: ___________________ , _______ .
Name of eligible taxpayer
Connecticut Tax Registration Number
Credit Computation
General Information
Complete this form in blue or black ink only.
The tax credit is equal to the lesser of 25% of the projected
rehabilitation expenditures or 25% of the actual rehabilitation
Use Form CT-1120HP to claim the Historic Preservation tax
expenditures. If DECD certifi es that the project creates
credit (formerly the Historic Investment tax credit) available under
qualifi ed affordable housing units, then the tax credit is
Conn. Gen. Stat. §10-416b to an owner rehabilitating a certifi ed
equal to the lesser of 30% of the projected rehabilitation
historic structure for mixed residential and non-residential
expenditures or 30% of the actual rehabilitation expenditures.
use. Attach it to Form CT-1120K, Business Tax Credit
Summary and/or Form CT-207K, Insurance/Health Care Tax
Credit Schedule.
Any unused tax credit may be carried forward for five
The Historic Preservation tax credit is administered by the
succeeding income years following the year in which the
Department of Economic and Community Development (DECD)
substantially rehabilitated structure was placed in service.
The credit may only be claimed if a tax credit voucher has
No carryback is allowed. An assignee may carry forward any
been issued by DECD.
unused tax credit.
The Historic Preservation tax credit may be applied against the
taxes administered under Chapters 207 (insurance companies
and health care centers taxes), 208 (corporation business
This tax credit contains a recapture provision. If a voucher is
tax), 209 (air carriers tax), 210 (railroad companies tax),
issued for a non-residential portion of the project that is placed
211 (community antenna television systems tax), or 212
in service and then the residential portion of the project is not
(utility companies tax) of the Connecticut General Statutes.
completed on time, then the owner shall recapture 100% of
The tax credit may be claimed in the year in which the
the credit issued for the portion previously placed in service.
substantially rehabilitated certifi ed historic structure is placed
Additional Information
in service. In the case of projects completed in phases, the
tax credit shall be prorated to the substantially rehabilitated
See the Guide to Connecticut Business Tax Credits
identifi able portion of the building placed in service.
available on the Department of Revenue Services
(DRS) website at , or contact DRS at
Any owner allowed this tax credit may assign the credit to any
1-800-382-9463 (Connecticut calls outside the Greater
individual or entity. An assignee must claim the credit in the
Hartford calling area only) or 860-297-5962 (from
same year that the assignor would have been eligible to claim
the credit. An assignee may not further assign the tax credit.
Part I - Credit Computation
The Historic Preservation tax credit is being claimed by:
An owner
An assignee
A taxpayer named by owner as contributing to the rehabilitation
If credit is being claimed by an assignee, enter the name and Connecticut Tax Registration Number (if available) of the assignor
below. Attach explanation.
Assignor’s name
Assignor’s Connecticut Tax Registration Number
Tax credit: Enter the amount of Historic Preservation tax credit as listed on
the voucher issued by
for the 2015 income year. Enter here and on Form CT-1120K,
Part I-C, Column B and/or Form CT-207K, Part 1C, Column B.


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