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K.S.A. 74-8133 provides a tax credit against the income or
premium tax of any angel investor for a cash investment in the
LINES 1 through 6 – Complete the information for the qualified
qualified securities of a qualified Kansas business.
Kansas business and original investor as requested.
Before an angel investor may be entitled to receive tax credits,
such investor must have made a cash investment in a qualified
security of a qualified Kansas business. The investment must be
LINE 7 – Enter total amount of cash investment made this tax
made in a business that has been approved by KDOC (Kansas
Department of Commerce) as a qualified business prior to the date
LINE 8 – This percentage determines the maximum credit
on which the cash investment is made. For information and
allowable as a result of the investment made during this tax
assistance regarding the approval of a qualified Kansas business,
year. Do not make an entry on this line.
contact KDOC at (785) 296-3481.
LINE 9 – Multiply line 7 by line 8 and enter the result. This is the
The credit is 50% of such investors’ cash investment in any
maximum credit allowable.
qualified Kansas business, subject to the following limitations:
LINE 10 – Partners, shareholders or members: Enter the
• No tax credits will be allowed for more than $50,000 for a single
percentage that represents your proportionate share in the
Kansas business or a total of $250,000 in tax credits for a single
partnership, S corporation, LLC or LLP. All other taxpayers:
year per investor who is a natural person or owner of a
Enter 100%.
permitted entity investor.
LINE 11 – Multiply line 9 by line 10 and enter result. This is your
share of the total credit for the amount invested this year.
• No tax credits shall be allowed for any cash investments in
qualified securities for any year after the year 2016.
• The total amount of tax credits shall not exceed $6,000,000
LINE 12 – Enter the carry forward amounts available from prior
for tax year 2008 and each tax year thereafter, except that for
years’ K-30 schedules and enclose a copy of those
tax year 2011, the total amount of tax credits shall not exceed
LINE 13 – Add lines 11 & 12 and enter the result.
• No investor shall claim a credit for cash investments in Kansas
LINE 14 – Enter your total Kansas tax liability for the current tax
Venture Capital, Inc.
year after all credits other than the credit allowed for
• No Kansas venture capital company shall qualify for the tax
investments made during this tax year.
credit for an investment in a fund created by articles 81, 82,
LINE 15 – Enter the lesser of line 13 or line 14. Enter this amount
83 or 84 of chapter 74 of the Kansas Statutes Annotated.
on the appropriate line of Form K-40.
If the amount by which that portion of the credit allowed by this
section exceeds the investors’ liability in any one taxable year, the
remaining portion of the credit may be carried forward until the total
LINE 16 – Subtract line 15 from line 13 and enter result. This
amount of the credit is used. If the investor is a permitted entity
amount cannot be less than zero. Enter this amount on next
investor, the credit provided by this section shall be claimed by the
year’s Schedule K-30.
owners of the permitted entity investor in proportion to their
IMPORTANT: Do not send any enclosures with this
ownership share of the permitted entity investor.
schedule. A copy of the approved KDOC certification
Subject to certain restrictions this credit may be transferred to
form must be kept with your records. If this is a credit
another taxpayer. Contact KDOC at (785) 296-3481 for more
that has been transferred, documentation of the approved transfer
as provided by KDOR (Kansas Department of Revenue) must be
“Angel investor’’ and ‘‘investor’’ mean an accredited investor
retained with your records. KDOR reserves the right to request
who is a natural person or an owner of a permitted entity investor,
additional information as necessary.
who is of high net worth, as defined in 17 C.F.R. 230.501(a) as in
effect on the effective date of this act, and who seeks high returns
through private investments in start-up companies and may seek
active involvement in business, such as consulting and mentoring
For assistance in completing this schedule contact the Kansas
the entrepreneur.
Department of Revenue:
“Cash investment” means money or money equivalent in
Tax Operations
consideration for qualified securities.
Docking State Office Building, 1st fl.
“Permitted entity investor” means any: a) general partnership,
915 SW Harrison St.
limited partnership, corporation that has in effect a valid election
Topeka, KS 66612-1588
to be taxed as an S corporation under the United States Internal
Phone: (785) 368-8222
Revenue Code, or a limited liability company that has elected to
Fax: (785) 291-3614
be taxed as a partnership under the United States Internal Revenue
Code; and, b) that was established and is operated for the sole
Additional copies of this credit schedule and other tax forms
purpose of making investments in other entities.
are available from our web site at:


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