Schedule K-1(Nr) (Arizona Form 165) - Arizona Nonresident And Out-Of-State Partner'S Share Of Income And Deductions - 2014 Page 2

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Name of Partnership (as shown on page 1)
Employer Identification Number
Part III
Net Capital Gain From Investment in a Qualified Small Business – Information Schedule
If the partner’s federal Schedule K-1 (Form 1065) does not include any net capital gain or loss from investment in
a qualified small business, the partnership is not required to complete Part III.
Distributive Share
Pro Rata Share Items
Apportionment Ratio
Source Income
18 Net capital gain (loss) from investment in a
qualified small business.................................
Part IV
Net Long-Term Capital Gain Subtraction – Information Schedule
If the partner’s federal Schedule K-1 (Form 1065) includes capital gain (loss), complete line 19 and line 20. If the partner’s federal
Schedule K-1 (Form 1065) does not include any capital gain (loss), the partnership is not required to complete Part IV.
Item From Federal Form 1065, Schedule K-1
Distributive Share
Net long-term capital
Net long-term capital
Source Income
gain (loss) included
gain (loss) included
in column (b) from
in column (b) from
From page 1, line 9,
From page 1, line 9,
assets acquired before
assets acquired after
column (a).
column (c).
January 1, 2012
December 31, 2011
19 Total net long-term capital gain (loss) ............
20 Net long-term capital gain (loss) from
investment in a qualified small business
(amount already included in line 19,
column d) ......................................................
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AZ Form 165, Schedule K-1(NR) (2014)
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