Cccs Budget Evaluation Form


CCCS Budget Evaluation Form
Consumer Credit
Counseling Service
This document is for your own use. Others have found it important in determining how to "fine
Of Northeastern Iowa
tune" their spending habits. This is not a legal document, nor is it binding in any way.
Your Own Answers
What Your Spouse/Partner Would Answer
What are your money worries? What do you think might happen?
What money topic often starts an argument within the family? With other relatives? With friends?
If you had to cut spending, where could this be done? How much of a reduction could be made?
If you suddenly had $10,000, what would you do with it?
What was the poorest choice(s) you've ever made with money? Why?
For what does it bother you to spend money on?
If you had to cut spending, where could this be done? How much of a reduction could be made?
Do you think you are:
Do you think your Spouse is:
too tight
too free
about right with spending money
too tight
too free
about right with spending money
For what do you really like to spend money on?
What is it important for you to save money for?
How are spending decisions made in your home?


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